Juan Salazar was born and raised in Compton, California where he graduated from Norwalk High School in 2018. He now attends the University of Redlands, where he is currently finishing a bachelor's degree in Sports Marketing with an emphasis in graphic design, photography, and marketing.
Throughout his time in college, Juan was a member of the Summer Bridge Program and was a part of the Gamma Delta Rho fraternity. He worked as a college student assistant for various athletic programs as an event coordinator and in the team's media department.
Beyond campus, Juan has had several opportunities to work with music artists, other collegiate athletes, and pro athletes in various marketing projects which has led to being featured on Under Armour, Franklin Sports, and other big corporation social media platforms.
As he enters life after college, Juan hopes to continue pursuing his marketing career and goal of working for a professional sports organization.
My work is a consistent search for ways in which I can capture the beauty and power of sports and music artists through photography, marketing, and design. I use high contrasting values and shadows along with oversaturated colors to enhance/create a sense of drama in my images. As a former athlete, I have a strong understanding of sporting events and athletes, especially when it comes to how they would like to be portrayed throughout the various media forms and the challenges that are presented with trying to accomplish these goals.