A Community that Makes a Difference

Spatial enthusiasts at the University of Redlands

At the University of Redlands, students, faculty, and staff find creative and exciting ways to apply spatial thinking and spatial analysis technologies in their academic pursuits and personal lives. Changemakers in anthropology, biology, business administration, chemistry, communicative disorders, economics, education, English, environmental studies, fine arts, gender studies, graphic arts, history, music history, mathematics, physics, political science, religious studies, sociology, and other disciplines discover new ways to think about their disciplines and solve real-world problems. An inherently multidisciplinary approach that thrives on self-initiated exploration, spatial thinking meshes well with the University's mission to welcome, educate, and empower a diverse community of learners for lives of meaning, impact, and joy. Spatial thinking advances the values of the university by:

  • empowering people with sophistical tools and access to data (Excellence)
  • helping learners to pursue a better understanding and appreciation of themselves and the world (Exploration)
  • promoting exploration of different perspectives, experiences, cultures, backgrounds, abilities, talents, and contributions (Inclusivity)
  • encouraging fairness, integrity, liberty, and equity by uncovering and communicating current and historical patterns that disadvantage some people in comparison to others (Justice)
  • promoting the understanding of differences and similarities that underpin friendliness, considerateness, respect, and empathy (Kindness)
  • providing methods and strategies to directly contribute to the health and wellness of others (Service)

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