Practicum Training Program 


Graduate students in psychology, marriage and family therapy, clinical mental health or related counseling programs may apply to be a practicum student-therapist at our Counseling Center. As a practicum student, you will have the opportunity to provide individual therapy, co-facilitate group therapy, and participate in outreach opportunities for University of Redlands students in a multidisciplinary environment.



A fifteen to twenty hour per week commitment is required for approximately 31 weeks during the academic year from September through May. Working one evening per week is required. Attendance at a two-hour group supervision/training seminar is required; specific day and time will be determined based on practicum students’ availability.

Coursework in psychotherapy and one previous clinical placement is strongly preferred. Each student, however, will be considered for placement based on individual training needs/aspirations and experience.

Our Counseling Center currently has an existing relationship with graduate programs at the following universities: Azusa Pacific University; California Baptist University; California State University San Bernardino; Loma Linda University; University of La Verne; and University of Redlands Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program. If you are not currently enrolled in one of these programs, please contact our Associate Director, Raquel Arellano-Jackson, at prior to submitting your application.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Thursday 8:00am to 9:00pm; Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Population Characteristics

The Counseling Center provides short-term individual therapy to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Redlands. Common clinical foci include major depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, substance abuse, autism spectrum disorders and personality disorders.

The student population is diverse. Approximately 48% are students of color and 20% identify as LGBTQIA2S+. SES distribution is bimodal with students from upper middle class/upper class families, as well students who are Cal Grant recipients, first generation college students, and students from low income families.

Clinical Experience/General Responsibilities

Within the university setting, practicum students work with a multi-disciplinary team including conduct and disciplinary entities, residential life administrators, academic success and accessibility services, and career services.

Practicum students will provide individual psychotherapy, limited assessment and referrals for academic accommodations, assessment for substance abuse, assessment and referral of eating disorders, and optional co-facilitation of group therapy. Degree of acuity and level of psychopathology will vary widely as clients are not prescreened.

Groups we have conducted in the past include:

  • Management of Bipolar Disorder
  • Transgender and Gender Diverse
  • Grief
  • Mindfulness
  • Drug and Alcohol
  • Empowerment (Sexual Assault Survivors) 

See a list of our current groups here.

Practicum begins in early September and ends in late May. Outreach opportunities are available (e.g., depression, alcohol, and eating disorder screenings and presentations to student groups).

Supervision & Training

Students will receive a minimum of one hour weekly of individual supervision and two hours per week of group supervision. Video recording of sessions is available and required for supervision.

Group supervision incorporates formal case presentations and clinical didactic training on topics such as: Suicide Assessment & Intervention; Clinical Issues with LGBTQIA2S+ clients; Clinical Issues with Transgender, Gender Nonconforming & Gender Questioning clients; Integrating Mindfulness in Clinical Work; Brief Therapy Models; Narrative Therapy; Grief Therapy; Race in Clinical Work; Substance Use on a College Campus. Additional topics are offered depending on practicum students’ interests.

Application Process

We plan to have five practicum positions at our Counseling Center. To apply for a practicum position, please email your application materials to the Counseling Center's Associate Director,  Raquel Arellano-Jackson at Your materials should include the following:

1) Cover Letter

2) Curriculum Vitae

3) One letter of recommendation, preferably from a clinical supervisor

Our application process also includes a one-hour interview with Counseling Center staff the University of Redlands campus.

If you have questions about our practicum training program at any time, please feel free to email Raquel Arellano-Jackson, Associate Director of the Counseling Center, at


Application materials for the 2024-2025 academic year are due by January 22, 2024 for Doctoral students and January 29, 2024 for Masters students.

We will notify applicants that they have been offered positions by Friday, February 16, 2024