The Counseling Center is committed to provide education, training, and opportunities for discussion around mental health issues. We cannot meet every request due to our clinical focus, but we will make every effort to work with you. Requests that are received at least three weeks prior to the planned outreach event are most likely to be filled. Please know that due to the increased demand for clinical services, we will be unable to fulfill requests received during the final 4 weeks of the semester. Review the types of services we provide below.
The Counseling Center often receives requests to participate in programming created by our campus community. If you would like us to sit on a panel, support a wellness fair, or otherwise support an event you are planning, let us know.
If you would like to have the Counseling Center present on a specific topic for your group we would be happy to partner with you. Possible topics include: suicide prevention, stress management, healthy relationships, conflict mediation, etc. Our presentations are typically in-person and vary in format and length depending on your needs and the topic requested. Please let us know what topics you are interested in so we can partner together to meet your needs.
An important way in which we serve the campus community is by training our community members to respond to students in distress using QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer. Many of you are on the front lines and engaging with students, often before they reach our office. Having the tools to know how to have difficult conversations, offer support and care, and ways to care for yourself in the process can be incredibly helpful as you navigate student needs. Contact us to request a QPR training.
Note: All First Year Seminar Sections are required to sign up for QPR training in Fall Semester. If you are a first year student interested in this training, please check with your professor to inquire about the date your class will receive this training.
First Year Seminar Faculty: The CAS office will be in charge of coordinating all QPR Training scheduling until further notice. Please contact Wendy Everhart at for more information.
Sometimes you might not know what you need, but you know you would like some support from the Counseling Center. In this case we can start out by talking with you to collaborate together on what type of outreach might help your group meet its goals. Please contact us if you are interested in brainstorming together.
To request an outreach presentation for your event, office, or department, or for general questions please contact the Counseling Center Administrative Assistant at 909-748-8108.