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October 10, 2022

Dear Students, Faculty Colleagues, Staff, and Friends,

This week we have two distinguished visitors from the main University of Redlands campus: Provost Adrienne McCormick, and VP for Institutional Strategy and Integrity Chris Jennings are here today and tomorrow.  Please stop by the mixer tomorrow to say hello!

Tuesday October 11, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
18 Kensington Ct.
Beverages and light appetizers from Fork Full of Earth will be served.

Coming Next Week!
The Inaugural Lecture of Julius Bailey as

October 18, 2022   
JOIN US in honoring Dr. Julius Bailey, the Eugene Farlough California Chair in African-American Christianity at SFTS and Professor of Religious Studies in the University of Redlands College of Arts & Sciences. San Francisco Theological Seminary is celebrating with an inaugural lecture, worship service, and luncheon.

Please visit our Events Page for more information and to RSVP.

This Week in Chaplaincy


Wednesday Chapel
Wednesday, October 12, 12:00pm – 12:25pm
Montgomery Chapel
Rev. Paul Gaffney will be preaching 

Enjoy our music Wednesdays:   12:00pm - 12:25pm, Montgomery Chapel

All are welcome to join Seminary Singers!
Seminary Singers (RA-1709) can be taken for credit or for the joy of it. I promise that singing for 1 hour once a week will delight your soul! We will sing at various events and celebrations on campus and around the Bay Area. Seminary Singers meets on Wednesdays 11:00 am - 12:25 pm, Montgomery Chapel.

Campus Diversity and Inclusion (CDI)
CDI for University of Redlands has published the Diversity and Inclusion Events Fall 2022 schedule; please visit the CDI events page at to see the full schedule. There are many virtual opportunities to participate. The goal is to move the needle forward in the areas of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice, and Building Community.

Chaplaincy Concentration or CPE Program?
For more information contact Laurie or Paul at the

Pastoral Care
Paul Gaffney, Lucas Walker, and Marissa Danney are available for pastoral care. Please contact the Chaplain’s Office at or or to schedule an appointment or learn more about services that support student well-being.  

From the Dean's Office

Job Opportunity
Berkeley Presbyterian Mission Homes (, an international and interfaith residential student community, seeks a full-time Executive Director to be responsible for property management, administration, and community building.  For information and application materials contact by October 14.

The Library

How do students and faculty get library materials if they are not near the Bay Area?

  1. Is the item available through the GTU as an ebook or online journal article?
    If so, the patron can read it at any time through our website at the GTU.

  2. Is the item in print on the shelf in the GTU library and available?
    If so, they can fill out the scanning form on the website and we will provide it.

  3. Is the item freely available online, for example in or in google books?
    The reference librarians can help with finding a full-text link.

  4. Is the item an article or book chapter?
    If so, they can order the item via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and it will be sent to them. 

  5. Is the physical copy in a library near them?
    We can help them find items near them using catalog, and then see which library has the item. If the patron is in the United States or Canada, they may be near an ATLA reciprocal library which allows free check out of items to GTU students. See the map. 

  6. What if they are near an academic library, but it’s not part of the ATLA reciprocal program?
    They should contact a reference librarian, we have arranged borrowing for single patrons at universities for free by working directly with the library staff.

  7. What if they are near a public library in the United States?
    The public library might have Interlibrary Loan or a similar loan program. In many cases, we are able to send books directly to public libraries for pick up, as it’s a library-to-library program.

  8. What are other options?
    We are happy to  take suggestions for purchase.

  9. How would students know about these options?
    These options are covered in orientation for distance students, in our pre-recorded videos for distance students, and in the LibGuides.

We suggest the students chat with a librarian to answer questions about their specific location and the items they are trying to find.

From the GTU—Upcoming Bay Area Events

St. Margaret's Courtyard at CDSP
Friday, October 14th.  •.  3:00 - 6:00 pm

Come to meet students from the various schools and centers living and studying in the Berkeley area. Event details here.

at the Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University
Tuesday, November 15   •  6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

Thea Bowman repeatedly urged that Black Catholics come to our Church “fully functioning,” that is, bring our gifts of history, tradition, experience, and culture; at the same time, she recognized that even should those gifts be ignored, neglected, or refused, Black Catholics must continue to present them. Thea Bowman’s life exemplifies the radical transcendence of Black Catholic life–walking in uncommon faithfulness, daring freedom, reaching out in solidarity to ‘others,’ transcending arbitrary limitations, striving to realize the radical potential of grace.

For more upcoming activities, please visit the GTU Events Calendar.