Daniel S. Schipani, Psy.D., Ph.D.

Graduate School of Theology

Photo of Daniel S. Schipani, Psy.D., Ph.D.


Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1981

M.A., Religion (Peace Studies), Goshen Biblical Seminary, 1974

Psy.D., Universidad Católica Argentina, 1968

Licenciate in Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1965

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About Daniel

Professor Schipani was born and raised in Pehuajó, a city in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He holds a Doctor of Psychology degree from Universidad Católica Argentina (Buenos Aires), and a PhD in Practical Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton, NJ). He is Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Emeritus, at the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana, and Affiliate Professor at McCormick Theol. Seminary and S. Francisco Theol. Seminary. He was Professor of Pastoral Counseling and Christian Education at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico (San Juan, PR). An ordained minister in Mennonite Church USA, he also serves as a psychotherapist and pastoral counselor (volunteer) at a local community health center for economically vulnerable people, especially immigrants from Latin America. His academic work includes clinical supervision of students in chaplaincy, and pastoral and spiritual counseling.

Daniel Schipani’s research and teaching interests include formation and transformation processes, intercultural reading of the Bible, and intercultural and interfaith pastoral care and counseling. He is the author or editor of thirty books on pastoral care, education, and practical and pastoral theology. His main texts in education include, Religious Education Encounters Liberation Theology, Teología del Ministerio Educativo, Educación, libertad y Creatividad: Encuentro y Diálogo con Paulo Freire, and Paulo Freire, Educador Cristiano. Books on pastoral and spiritual care include The Way of Wisdom in Pastoral Counseling; Spiritual Caregiving in the Hospital: Windows to Chaplaincy Ministry, Interfaith Spiritual Care: Understandings and Practices; Multifaith Views in Spiritual Care, Manual de Psicología Pastoral y Camino de Sabiduría-Consejería: Cuidado psico-espiritual, and Where are We: Pastoral Environments and Care of migrants, Intercultural and Interreligious Perspectives. Prof. Schipani is also a visiting lecturer in various academic institutions and lectures widely in North America, Latin America and Europe. He is a member of several professional and academic organizations, including the Society for Intercultural and Inter-religious Pastoral Care & Counseling, the Society for Pastoral Theology, the International Association of Spiritual Care, and the International Academy of Practical Theology.


Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, 2001-continues.

Pastoral Counselor and psychotherapist, Maple City Health Care Center, Goshen, Indiana, 1998—continues.

Professor of Christian Education and Personality, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, 1985-2001.

Affiliate Professor of Pastoral Care and Christian Education, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1988-2002.

Visiting Professor and Researcher, Free University (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 1999-continues.

Visiting Professor of Education, InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico (Doctoral Program in Education), 1983-2004 Summer doctoral seminars ("Analysis of Human Behavior","Philosophy of Education - Conscientization").

Visiting Professor, Doctoral Program in Theological Education (Seminario Teológico Centroamericano [Guatemala ], Summer 2004, 2008, 2011, 2013).

Visiting/Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Practical/Pastoral Theology:

Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools--Hispanic Ministries Programs and D. Min Programs (McCormick Theological Seminary-Lutheran School of Theology, Spring 1986, 1987, Winter 1990, Fall 1994, Spring 2002, Summer 2003, Winter 2004, Winter 2005, Spring, 2005, Summer 2005, Spring 2006, Summer 2007, Summer 2011)

Hispanic Pastoral Institute, New York (General Theological Seminary, Summer 1989, 1990, 1993)

Instituto Superior Evangelico de Estudios Teologicos, Buenos Aires (Fall 1988);

Seminario Anabautista Latinoamericano, Central America (Guatemala, Fall 1987; Belize, Summer 1989; Guatemala, Winter 2011, Summer 2013); Princeton Theological Seminary (Summer 1990, 2010); Seminario Biblico Latinoamericano (San Jose, Costa Rica, August 1990); Seminario Evangelico de Teologia-Martin Luther King Jr. Center (Habana, Cuba, June 1991, 2013); Free University, Amsterdam, and Catholic University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands), "Dom Helder Camara Chair" and lecturer in Practical Theology (Fall 1992); Seminario Menonita de Colombia (Bogota, Colombia, November 1994, August, 1995); Doopsgezind Seminarium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Summer 1998); Hispanic Summer Program, Pacific School of Theology (Berkeley, Summer 1999, Princeton, Summer 2010).

Associate Professor of Pastoral Psychology and Christian Education, Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico, 1976-1985 (and Visiting Professor, Summer 1986, 1988, 1993, 1996, 2001, 2004, 2012).

Visiting Professor of Pastoral Psychology and Counseling with Adolescents, Caribbean Center for Advanced Studies (Instituto Psicologico de Puerto Rico and Episcopal Seminary of the Caribbean), Summer 1973, 1975.


Multifaith Views in Spiritual Care. Kitchener: Pandora Press, 2013.

“Case Study Method”, Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, ed. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Practical Theology. Oxford, UK, 2012, 91-101.

Nuevos Caminos en Psicología Pastoral. Buenos Aires-Guatemala: Kairos-SEMILLA, 2011.

Spiritual Caregiving in the Hospital: Windows to chaplaincy Ministry (co-editor, with Leah Dawn Bueckert). Revised Edition. Kitchener: Pandora Press, 2011.

You Welcomed Me: Interfaith Spiritual Care in the Hospital (co-editor with Leah Dawn Bueckert), Kitchener: Pandora Press, 2010.

Interfaith Spiritual Care: Understandings and Practices (co-editor with Leah Dawn Bueckert). Kitchener: Pandora Press, 2009.

Mennonite Perspectives on Pastoral Counseling. Elkhart (editor). Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2007.

Spiritual Caregiving in the Hospital: Windows to chaplaincy Ministry (co-editor, with Leah Dawn Bueckert). Kitchener: Pandora Press, 2006.

Through the Eyes of Another: Intercultural Reading of the Bible (co-editor, with Hans de Wit, Louis Jonker, and Marlene Kool). Amsterdam/Elkhart: Free University/Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2004.

O caminho de sabedoria no aconselhamento pastoral. S. Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2004.

The Way of Wisdom in Pastoral Counseling. Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2003 Paulo Freire: Educador Cristiano. Grand Rapids: Libros Desafio, 2002.
Psicología pastoral del aborto. Buenos Aires: Kairos, 2001.

Educación, libertad y creatividad: encuentro y diálogo con Paulo Freire (co-author, with Paulo Freire) 2nd. ed. San Juan: Univ. Interamericana de Puerto Rico, 1998.

Theological Education on Five Continents: Anabaptist Perspectives (co-editor, with Nancy R. Heisey) Strasbourg: Mennonite World Conference, 1997.

Psicología y consejo pastoral: Perspectivas hispanas (co-editor, with Pablo A. Jiménez) Atlanta: AHET, 1997.

Comunicación con la juventud.: Diseño para una nueva pastoral. San Juan: Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico, 1994.

Teología del ministerio educativo - Perspectivas latinoamericanas. Grand Rapids, Mich./Buenos Aires, Argentina: Eerdmans/Nueva Creación, 1993.

Liberación y discipulado - La teología de la liberación en perspectiva anabautista. Bogota/Guatemala: CLARA/SEMILLA, 1993.

"Theology in the Context of 'New World Order'," Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 1992.

Educacion, libertad y creatividad (co-author with Paulo Freire). San Juan/Elkhart: Univ. Interamericana de Puerto Rico/IMS, 1992.

Cuando se piensa en el aborto. El Paso, Texas: Mundo Hispano, 1990.

Freedom and Discipleship: Liberation Theology in Anabaptist Perspective (editor) Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1989.

Religious Education Encounters Liberation Theology. Birmingham, Ala.: Religious Education Press, 1988.

Los niños y el reino (editor) Bogota, Colombia: CAEBC, 1987.

Conscientization and Creativity - Paulo Freire and Christian Education. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1984.

El reino de Dios y el ministerio educativo de la iglesia. San Jose, Costa Rica: Caribe, 1983; reprinted, Miami: Caribe, 1992.

El arte de ser familia. Bogota, Colombia: JELAM, 1982; reprinted, B. Aires: Logos, 993.
Nuestros hijos y sus necesidades básicas. San Juan, Puerto Rico: JELAM, 1978.
¿Y fueron felices? (co-author with Dafne S. de Plou) Buenos Aires, Argentina: La Aurora, 1974.

Educación y Comunidad (co-author with Daniel E. Tinao) Buenos Aires, Argentina:
El Ateneo, 1973.

Orientación Existencial del Adolescente Buenos Aires, Argentina: La Aurora, 1971 (first prize, Ministerio de Cultura y Educacion, Republica Argentina).

La angustia y la dimensión trascendente. Buenos Aires: La Aurora, 1969.


American Academy of Religion

Association of Practical Theology

Canadian Association of Spiritual Care

International Academy of Practical Theology

International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education

Society for Intercultural Pastoral Care & Counseling

Society for Pastoral Theology