Bachelor of Science

This program offers rigorous training in the fundamentals of physics. It is designed for well-prepared and highly motivated students, particularly those interested in further study of physics at the graduate level. After completing this program, students will be well grounded in classical and modern physics and equipped to choose a specialized area for further study and research.



231-233, 310, 331, 332*, 341*, 344*, 349, 391‡, 491‡
And at least 2 credits of PHYS 378 or other department-approved research experience
And at least 3 additional credits at the 300 level.


CHEM 131

Math/Computer Science

MATH 121, 122, 221, 235, and three of the following with at least one from each category:
Category A: MATH 222, 241, 311, 338
Category B: MATH 331, CS 110

‡ Together satisfy WB requirement.
*These courses are offered every other year. Students should plan their schedules accordingly.