Research is an important component of a physics education. While research skills are taught in our courses, many students also get additional experience outside of the classroom. In fact, bachelors of science students are required to do so. Students can work on research projects for credit by taking PHYS 378: Physics Research during the school year or for pay over the summer. In Redlands, the Stauffer Center for Science and Mathematics hosts a summer research program. At national labs and universities across the country, the National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsors Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program and the Department of Energy (DOE) sponsors the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program. Some of the labs in the SULI program offer internships during the school year as well as the summer. REU deadlines vary, but the application deadline for all SULI summer programs is typically on the same day in early January. All physics majors complete a senior thesis, which is often based on their research.