Inland Empire Educators for Social Justice
Mission Statement
Inland Empire Educators for Social Justice is an anti-racist organization that stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. We challenge institutions to recognize and dismantle racist practices that work to exacerbate intergenerational trauma. We support anti-oppressive, democratic education and seek to engage educators of all kinds to co-create intellectually rigorous curricula based on an ethic of care.
Vision Statement
Inland Empire Educators for Social Justice work to liberate educators, students and community members by empowering them with the tools necessary to actively and aggressively work against racism in their schools.
Our Ambition is to:
- Expose and dismantle systemic racist practices that perpetuate oppressive teaching practices.
- Encourage and empower educators to combat the culture of fear that stricken our educators from speaking out and working against oppression.
- Partner and collaborate with community organizations to facilitate engaging professional development opportunities and build networks of support.
- Challenge our educators, site, and district administrators to create and sustain school environments that are affirming of our Black community.
- Advocate for resources: people and programs, that will help to ensure that our mission statement is not realized throughout the inland empire and in all its schools.
- Create schools that support participatory democracy and include teachers and students in local decision-making practices.
- Collaborate with students, parents, community members, educators, and education leaders to develop a curriculum that is anti-oppressive, pro-justice, and engaged with community issues.
- Challenge, disrupt and end the school-to-prison pipeline and create visible and equitable pathways to success for all of our students.