Degree Programs

The Major

Bachelor of Arts

The Creative Writing Department's focus is on creative process rather than on specialization in any one genre. Requirements are designed to foster a rapport with all forms of literary expression and to promote community among our majors.

  1. Foundation courses: CRWR 104 Nonfiction Workshop I, CRWR 105 Poetry Workshop I, and CRWR  107 Fiction Workshop I.

  2. Intermediate courses: CRWR 204 Nonfiction Workshop II, CRWR  205 Poetry Workshop II, and CRWR 207 Fiction Workshop II.

  3. Advanced Courses: Each student chooses at least one advanced writing course in poetry, fiction, or nonfiction writing: CRWR 304 Nonfiction Workshop III, CRWR 305 Poetry Workshop III, or CRWR 307 Fiction Workshop III.

  4. Advanced Seminars: Each student must take at least TWO sections of CRWR 310 Creative Writing Seminar.

  5. Senior Portfolio: CRWR 440 Senior Portfolio - Reading and Drafting and CRWR 441 Senior Portfolio - Revision and Final Project. CRWR 440 and CRWR 441 may not be taken concurrently. 

By the beginning of the sophomore year, the student who intends to major in Creative Writing is expected to choose one of the department's resident writers as an academic advisor and, with that individual, plan an appropriate three-year schedule. Strongly encouraged: Additional advanced level workshops and seminars in all genres.

The Minor

The minor is designed for students to explore creative expression as part of a broad education. The minor in Creative Writing consists of a minimum of 28 credits:

  • CRWR 104 Nonfiction Workshop I, CRWR 105 Poetry Workshop I, CRWR 107 Fiction Workshop I, CRWR 204 Nonfiction Workshop II, CRWR 205 Poetry Workshop II, CRWR 207 Fiction Workshop II, CRWR 310 Creative Writing Seminar.

  • Advanced level workshops and seminars are recommended.



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