For over 150 years, San Francisco Theological Seminary has provided a rigorous theological education rooted in the Reformed tradition, renewed daily through dialogue, critical inquiry, and practical reflection. Our degree programs are framed by a classical theology curriculum of scripture, history, systematic theology, ethics, homiletics, and pastoral care. But we study these subjects in their deep entanglements with society, spirituality, and the practical affairs of life. Our certificate programs allow you to explore theology or develop specialized skills in pastoral care, chaplaincy, innovative ministry, and spiritual direction. In everything we do, we hope to grow your capacity to impact your world and make a difference in the lives of others.
Here, Theology is a critical discipline that links Christian traditions with the world, and the world with those traditions. At SFTS, Spirituality unifies the reflective, compassionate self with social change. We encourage deep inquiry. Here, critical thinking is not afraid to be spiritual, and Spirituality is not afraid to think. Social Justice and Spirituality are interconnected, and pluralism can be seen in God's expression of the multitude of creation. Here, we invite your questions and encourage your creativity.
Our students enjoy the best of multiple worlds. Residential students live in an intimate, supportive environment, enjoying close interaction with their teachers on a beautiful campus. Spectacular nature and North America’s most progressive metropolitan region are at our doorstep. Learn with our distinguished faculty and over 200 professors in the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley (GTU)—and access the University of California at Berkeley, one of the world's greatest research universities. You may also may also combine your degree with courses and certificate programs from the University of Redlands School of Continuing Studies.
Study life's ultimate questions with people who have devoted themselves to inquiry and who want to know about you and your questions. They personify the SFTS commitment to spiritual formation, critical theological reflection, and the skills and arts of ministry for serving in congregations, the wider church, the classroom, and the public sphere.
Critical Thinking
Cross-disciplinary Conversations
Social Justice and Spirituality
Interior Transformation