Director, Tony Mueller

Director, Community Service Learning (CSL)

Office of CSL, 2nd Floor Hunsaker

(909) 748-8288





Tony has been an administrator at the University of Redlands since 1985, beginning his work as a Coordinator of Residence Life/Resident Director. After being a coordinator for three years, he moved up to the Director of Residential Life. In 1991, the office of Community Service Learning (CSL) was established. Tony became the director where he continues to develop and implement community service experiences for University of Redlands community.


  • Received the California Campus Compact Richard Cone Award for Excellence, Leadership and Administration in cultivating community partnerships in higher education.

  • Recipient of the University of Redlands Centennial Award as one of one hundred alumni honored by the University of Redlands for Outstanding Service in the last one hundred years.

  • Received the University Presidential Award for Outstanding Administrator.

  • Recipient of the Paul Harris Fellowship medal from Rotary International.

  • Received the Community Diversity Award from the Racism Free Coalition of the Inland Empire.

  • Received the Outstanding Service to Youth Award on behalf of the Office of Community Service Learning from the county of San Bernardino.

  • Executive committee member for Redlands' Big Read sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts.


M.A. in Education, University of Redlands, Redlands, California
B.A. double major in Speech Communication and Theatre Arts
Minors: Mass Communication and Sociology; Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota