COVID-19 Management FAQs

September 13, 2021

To:  University Community
From:  Michelle Rogers, Vice President for Administration, and the COVID-19 Task Force
Subject:  COVID-19 Management FAQs

The 2021–22 academic year is off to a great start, and we are confident that, with everyone following our COVID-19 guidelines, we can safely and responsibly continue operating on-site. To help clarify COVID-19 management procedures, here are some of the questions we have been receiving with answers that reflect current public health guidance.


Q. Are vaccinated individuals encouraged to engage in routine COVID-19 testing?

A. Yes. With the emergence of the Delta variant, we encourage vaccinated individuals to engage in voluntary surveillance testing for COVID-19, even though they are not mandated to do so by the University’s current policies. Vaccinated individuals are especially encouraged to test for COVID-19 three to five days after travel or if they have other reason to believe they might be at risk.


Q. Where can I get a COVID-19 test?

A. A testing location run by San Bernardino County is located on the main Redlands campus in University Hall. Appointments can be made through the San Bernardino County Testing Sites web page or through the Redlands App (UR Ready>Testing Appointments); walk-ins are also accepted, but may experience a longer wait time. Those at other campuses can find a testing site through the State of California’s Testing Additional information is available on the UR Ready Getting Tested web page.


Q. I may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. What should I do?

A.  Please fill out a COVID-19 Symptoms, Exposure, or Positive Test Reporting Form providing as much detail as possible. A University case manager will contact you to review what you have submitted in the context of CDC guidance, both of which inform next steps.


Q. What are procedures for someone who is vaccinated and asymptomatic, but who has been exposed to COVID-19?

A. After the exposed individual fills out the reporting form, a University case manager will be in touch and go over next steps. For those who are asymptomatic and vaccinated, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines advise, and University policy requires, that the individual:

  • Wear a face covering at all times indoors around other people and outdoors within six feet of another person;
  • Test for COVID-19 three to five days after exposure; and
  • Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.

Under these specific circumstances, quarantine is not necessary.


Q. I received an automated notification from my state or other organization that I might have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. What should I do?

A.  Some states and organizations have been sending such messages to large groups of people within the general vicinity of a reported COVID-infected person. Such a message does not necessarily mean you meet the criteria for having been in close contact with an infected person. However, if the message causes you concern, please fill out a reporting form to receive guidance from a case manager before taking any action.


Q. I am a faculty member, and a student in my class has tested positive for COVID-19. All students were properly masked. Do I need to take action?

A. The student should have reported the case via the University’s reporting form, which will initiate the University’s contact tracing process and put the student in touch with a case manager to support the student in next steps. (Please encourage the student to fill out the form if it has not yet been completed.) If you are not contacted as part of the contact tracing process, you may continue your regular activities. Of course, as with any other student illness, you will want to help the student keep pace with the work in your class during the time when the student cannot attend in person. You should continue to follow all health and safety protocols in your classroom.


Q. What do the colors on the University of Redlands app mean?

A. Gold (which indicates a “golden ticket”) means you have full access to Redlands facilities because you have provided proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Green means you have provisional full access to Redlands facilities because you have uploaded proof of a negative COVID-19 test within the past seven days and have reported no COVID-19 symptoms on your required Daily Health Assessment. Red means you have not provided proof of a negative COVID-19 test within the past seven days and/or have not completed your required Daily Health Assessment; therefore, access has been restricted. If you have symptoms that could indicate COVID-19, please fill out a reporting form so a case manager can help you determine next steps.


Q. If I see someone wearing a face covering incorrectly (or not at all) indoors and on-campus what should I do?

A. All university community members are required to wear face coverings in indoor spaces on campus, including classrooms, and covering their mouths and noses, except when eating or drinking. Most community members are responsive to this requirement, but some do need reminders, so please remind each other gently as needed. In the case you are met with lack of compliance with COVID-19 safety procedures, or a general safety concern, please connect with Public Safety by calling 909-748-8888 or ext. 8888 on campus phones. You may also use BULLDOG TIPS, a safety alert system, to send an anonymous tip via text message; text TIP UOFR to 888777.


Q. The memo sent on July 30 said the University will “consider lifting its indoor mask requirement for vaccinated individuals once 70 to 80 percent of the on-campus Bulldog community has provided proof of vaccination.” Have we reached that benchmark? And will the mask requirement be lifted?

A. We would like to thank all members of the community who have been vaccinated! As shown on our UR Ready dashboard web page, vaccination rates have reached and sometimes exceeded that benchmark, and we are proud of the actions Bulldogs have taken to keep our community safe. Because of the recent surge of the Delta variant, universal masking indoors is now mandated in many California counties, including Marin and Los Angeles. At this time, the University’s indoor masking requirement will remain in place.


For additional information, please see the UR Ready website or email