Education Echo Blog

University of Redlands School of Education

Video: What is Educational Justice?

Transcript of the video "Educational Justice: School of Education, University of Redlands

Dalyn Montgomery, Director of Enrollment: The University of Redlands School of Education puts such an emphasis on educational justice because it's what we believe. It really is at the core of what we think is necessary to make a better world. 

Dr. Mikela Bjork, Assistant Professor: There's not a class that a student will take that doesn't include educational justice.

Yessenia Yorgesen, Director of the Office of Student Success: The School of Education - we're in the business of empowering people and that's what we do.

Dr. Jose Lalas, Professor: It is that sense of the honoring and the valuing of everybody's cultural linguistics, historical background.

Dalyn Montgomery, Director of Enrollment: People come to us not just because they want to become a teacher or a mental health counselor or an administrator. They would come to us because they want to do it better in the service of those who have historically not been served. 

Emilie A. Cline Arellano, MA Education School Counseling, PPS: I didn't just want a school counseling program that allowed me just to get a credential. I really wanted the background of educational justice as its guiding principle. 

Kevin A. Velez, MA in Education Higher Education, Student Affairs: It's really going to allow me to go into an institution and look around the tables of decision making and say "Who's not here? Who should be here? Who's here but doesn't have the microphone?"

Chanel J. Parrish, MA in Education Higher Education, Student Affairs: I work in higher ed. We don't have conversations like this but I come to class and I'm like "Yes [laughs] and this is where I can take what I'm learning and directly apply it to my work the next day.

Dr. Mikela Bjork, Assistant Professor: WIthin our School of Education, we have an actual Center for Educational Justice.

Dean Mario C. Martinez: It has gathered and served as a vehicle to work with local area school administrators in K-12.

Dalyn Montgomery, Director of Enrollment: It really gives our students an opportunity to participate, to do real work that we can implement in our communities. 

Yessenia Yorgesen, Director of the Office of Student Success: It's about empowering students so that they're able to channel their passion in a way that leaves a legacy

Chanel J. Parrish, MA in Education Higher Education, Student Affairs: You can just feel it like we are educational justice. We are here like creating this cohort of students to like go out in the world to make changes and be change agents.

Dalyn Montgomery, Director of Enrollment: Every student should expect to not just point out injustice but to be able to know what to do about it and have the opportunity to do something about it. 

Dr. Jose Lalas, Professor: Be prepared to feel the discomfort because you'll be dealing with issues of race, culture, discrimination, oppression.

Chanel J. Parrish, MA in Education Higher Education, Student Affairs: It takes a level of confidence and bravery that I don't think I would have had without being in this program. 

Yessenia Yorgesen, Director of the Office of Student Success: If you feel passionate about making change, if you see a problem in the educational landscape, and you want to make a difference you come to the School of Education.