Students in the Master of Music in Composition degree program undergo intense, professional training in all facets of composition. Each student has a weekly private lesson and also participates in the Composition Studio Class, which meets weekly to discuss topics in the field of composition and contemporary music. Each semester, the studio presents a student-produced recital where works completed that term are performed and recorded at a public concert. All composition majors continue study on their major instrument, and are expected to perform at a very high level. The philosophy of the University of Redlands Composition Studio embraces and promotes a high level of musicianship, stylistic diversity, technical proficiency, musical sensitivity, aesthetic engagement, and creating a positive, supportive space for musical growth.
The composition degree requires 32 credits distributed as follows:
The graduate recital consists of original works composed while in residence. With the approvals of the private teacher, the performance studies chair, and the Dean of the Conservatory of Music, the pre-recital jury examination may be waived for composition majors only.