Checkout an Instrument

Instrument Checkout Procedure

To check out an instrument, please fill out and submit the Musical Instrument Checkout Form located on the Conservatory of Music website under Documents and Forms. An approval email from your instructor or ensemble director is also required to be sent to An email notification will be sent by the Operations Manager when the instrument is ready to pick up at the music office. When picking up the instrument, you will sign a printed copy of the Instrument Checkout Form and receive a copy for your records.

Instrument Use Policies

Conservatory of Music instruments are intended to be used by students enrolled in applied lessons, classes, or ensembles through the Conservatory of Music. Students who are not enrolled in these courses are not permitted to check out instruments owned by the Conservatory of Music, unless permission is granted by the Director of the Conservatory of Music.

1. Do not give the instrument to another student. If you do, then you are still responsible for the instrument.

2. If a professor asks you to give the instrument to another student, and you do, then you will still be responsible for the instrument.

3. If you take an instrument for repairs, then you are responsible for the instrument. (see page 6 of the Student Handbook for more information).

4. If you leave your instrument in the music office without checking it in, then you will be held responsible for the instrument.

Instrument Return Policies

Instruments should be returned to the Conservatory of Music office by the date listed on the Checkout Form. Returned instruments, attachments, mouthpieces and accessories will be checked for damage. Using the instrument checkout form, the Operations Manager will sign off to verify that the instrument was returned completely and in good condition. You will receive a copy of the signed checkout sheet for your records. Please be aware that until this form is signed off, you are still considered responsible for the instrument.

(*If the instrument is not returned by the time specified on the sheet, you may be responsible for the cost of the instrument. If you need to use the instrument past the date specified on the Instrument Checkout Form, please contact the Operations Manager on or before the date. There will be a $5.00 per week fee for instruments not turned in on time as specified on the completed Instrument Checkout Form.)

Damaged Instruments

Damaged instruments must be turned in to the Operations Manager immediately. If needed, and available, a replacement instrument will be provided.

In some cases, you may be asked to turn in the instrument before the time noted on the Instrument Checkout Form. Please do so promptly after being contacted by the Operations Manager.

Instrument Technique Class(es)

Instruments used in the Instrument Technique classes will be checked out as follows:

  • The Operations Manager will attend the first session of all tech classes and assign instruments.
  • If instruments are to be switched during the semester, the Operations Manager will attend the class to make (and log) the instrument switches.
  • The Operations Manager will attend the final class and check the instruments back in.
  • If a student misses one of these sessions, they can make an appointment with the Operations Manager, during the designated hours to check out an instrument.
  • There will be a class-specific checkout form (strings, woodwind and brass). The instrument checkout policy referred to in the form will appear in the class syllabus.
  • In the event there are not enough instruments for a class, the Operations Manager will coordinate rental or purchase of instruments for the class. Rentals will be checked out using the same procedures as stated above.

Designated Instrument Checkout Appointment Hours

Tuesday 10 am - 12 pm; Wednesday 10 am - 12 pm

Please check this box to indicate you have read, and understand, the Instrument Checkout Procedure and Policies detailed above

The University of Redlands-School of Music

Received from the University of Redlands through the School of Music

In consideration of the loan and delivery to me of the above described instrument and attachments. I hereby explicitly make myself responsible, immediately upon your request or on expiration of the period and purpose for which such loan was made at your option, to return to you through the current Property Manager or other designate of the School of Music the instrument and attachments above described, in the same condition as when received, except for the reasonable wear or deterioration incident to the prudent due and custody thereof for the purpose intended, as stated below; and I do further hereby explicitly promise and agree to pay you through the School of Music, promptly and in full for (a) any and all damage to the instrument and/or attachments, or consequential full cost or repair thereof as determined by the Property Manager or other individual formally designated for the purpose; (b) for loss, theft, larceny, embezzlement, or disappearance (explained or unexplained) thereof or any part thereof, using the value above stated as the basis for financial restitution.

I further agree that the instrument and attachments shall be used only in preparation for and playing in University ensembles, for University of Redlands classes, or for individual study, rehearsal or practice by me.

In the event of loss, theft, or disappearance of the instrument and/or attachments, I understand that I shall have the option to make prompt payment in connection therewith as above provided, or promptly to substitute attachments of a type and quality approved by the Property Manager or some other member of the faculty of the School of Music formally designated for that purpose. The title to such substitute(s) shall be free and unimpaired, the same shall have been fully paid for prior to delivery to you, and full legal ownership thereof shall vest in you upon delivery as aforesaid.

I acknowledge that the instrument and attachments are necessities in my pursuit of a collegiate education.