Brandon McCoy

Visiting Professor

Photo of Brandon McCoy


Ph.D., Philosophy: Economics and Statistics
University of Missouri, 2020

M.A., Economics
University of Missouri, 2016

B.A., Economics
Lewis & Clark College, 2011


Duke Hall
P: 909.748.8564

Courses Taught

ECON 101: Principles of Economics

ECON 221: Economics of Development

ECON 254: Economics of Public Sector

ECON 307: History of Economic Thought

ECON 453: Economics of Labor



Fall 2018-present: Visiting Instructor, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY

Spring 2018: Visiting Lecturer, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

Fall 2016: Instructor, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO

2013-2015; Spring 2017: Graduate Teaching Assistant,University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO



McCoy, M. (2013) Review of The Restructuring of Capitalism in Our Time by William K. Tabb. Review of Keynesian Economics, 4(4), 469-471.

McCoy, M. (2012) Review of The Thought of Work by John Budd. Journal of Economic Issues, 46 (4),1095-1096

Book chapters:

McCoy, B. (2018). The Job Guarantee: An Institutional Adjustment towards an Inclusive Provisioning Process. In Forstater, M. & Murray, M. (eds.), Social Justice and Full Employment

Awards, Honors, Grants

2018: CORE-Teagle Fellowship. Barnard College, New York City

2013-2017: Graduate Assistantship at the University of Missouri- Kansas City

2015: Nominated for Association for Institutional Thought Board, Student Representative

2014: Association for Institutional Thought Best Graduate Student Paper

2011: Hyman Minsky Fellowship at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

2011: Departmental Honors in Economics at Lewis & Clark College

2010-2011: Mary Stewart Rodgers Scholar at Lewis & Clark College

Invited Presentations

2020: “Employment Policy for an Inclusive Economy.” Invited presentation at Monmouth College.

2020: “Segmented Labor. Evidence from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages microdata.” Invited presentation at Trinity College.

2019: “CORE: An Open Educational Resource that Revitalizes the Surplus Theoretic Approach.” Western Social Science Association, San Diego, CA

2019: “Job Guarantee Now! Teach-In for Economic Rights.” Skidmore College.

2019: “An Unstable and Segmented Labor Market: Evidence from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Microdata.” International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, Atlanta, GA

2018: “An Unstable and Segmented Labor Market: Evidence from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Microdata.” Bard College Economics Seminar Series

2017: “The Institutional Implications of Employment Policy.” Presented at the Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

2017: “The Institutional Implications of Employment Policy.” Presented at the International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics Annual Conference, Chicago, IL

2016: “How does the Job Guarantee Impact Employment and Stability? A Four Sector Stock-Flow Consistent Model.” Presented at the International Post-Keynesian Conference, Kansas City, MO

2016: “The Job Guarantee: An Institutional Adjustment towards an Inclusive Provisioning Process.” Presented at the Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, Reno, NV

2014: “On Employment: An Analysis of the Compatibility Between Veblen and the Job Guarantee.”Presented at the Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM

2013: “Extending Minsky’s Employer of Last Resort: An Institutional Post Keynesian Analysis.” Presented at the Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO

2012: “How does the Job Guarantee Impact Employment and Stability? A Three Sector Stock-Flow Consistent Model.” Presented at the International Post-Keynesian Conference, Kansas City, MO

2010: “Intercultural Communication in Personal Relationships.” Presented at the Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research, Spokane, WA