Bachelor of Science in Business

The Bachelor of Science in Business goes beyond traditional administration or management education to enhance the effectiveness of business professionals by linking their experiences with theories taught in the modern classroom.

B.S. in Business At-A-Glance


Online (synchronous)

Guaranteed Classes

Meet 1 evening per week

Program Length

24-36 months
60 credits

Transfer Requirements

40-60 credits
2.0 minimum GPA

Student Success

Academic advising
Career & professional development
Extensive alumni network


Visit the Student Financial Services office site for the most up-to-date tuition and fee schedules.

With the Bachelor of Science in Business degree completion program at the Redlands School of Business & Society, you will:

  • Learn how to apply business concepts like strategic planning, operations management, and human resource development to identify and solve business problems across different industries
  • Gain the foundational knowledge of accounting, economics, finance, business analytics, marketing, and communications
  • Empower yourself with 21st century business skills and insights into ethical and data-driven decision-making, business and geographic information systems (GIS), and a global perspective on how organizations thrive

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Business degree, you will possess measurable skills including an understanding of core business disciplines and the ability to analyze an industry effectively. You’ll also have the confidence to address organizational challenges, the ability to make decisions using a wide range of perspectives, and new opportunities to positively impact businesses and society.

Program Learning Outcomes

On completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of core business disciplines to effectively address organizational challenges and opportunities
  • Utilize spatial, ethical, and global perspectives in business decision-making
  • Employ effective written and oral skills to communicate clearly and persuasively
  • Apply analytical skills and quantitative methods to enhance business performance
  • Synthesize knowledge and competencies to develop a holistic perspective of business activities

Course Sequence

Course sequence for the B.S. program

Course Descriptions

BUSB 300: Ethical and Legal Environment of Business (4)

Examination of moral and legal business issues in domestic and international contexts with emphasis on contemporary problems.


BUSB 301: Critical Analysis: Written and Oral Communication (4)

Deepens students’ analytical skills in written and oral communication. Focus on purpose, depth, organization, research, style, and effectiveness. Special attention paid to contemporary business contexts as well as historical perspectives.


BUSB 145: Mathematical Foundations for Business (4)

Introduction of mathematical foundations with applications for decision-making in business, economics, finance, business statistics, and operations management. Focus is on mathematical concepts including functions and their graphs, systems of equations and inequalities, linear programming, mathematics of finance, basic probability, and statistics.


BUSB 330: Managing and Leading Organizations (4)

Overview of organizational behavior and theory. Focus is on the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations. The study of organizational decision-making, organizational design, culture, leadership, power and politics, and management of change. Ethics, diversity, and globalization are integrated throughout the course.


BUSB 230: Economics for Business (4)

Introductory study of micro- and macro-economics. Microeconomics studies decision-making by individual firms and consumers in regard to the allocation of scarce resources, supply and demand basics, and optimum output determination. Macroeconomics includes coverage of the national and global economy, the impact of economic aggregates and government action.


BUSB 333: Business Information Systems (4)

Introductory organizational and managerial overview of information systems. Assessing and constructing data and information for decision-making, designing interactive and spatial information systems, and assessing their ethical implications. Communicating effectively in a systems development environment.


BUSB 232: Data Driven Decision-Making (4)

Introduction to basic statistical concepts including measures of central tendency and dispersion, frequency distributions, probability distributions, sampling distributions, and estimation. Also application in statistical inference, one and two sample hypothesis testing, chi-square, analysis of variance, and multiple regression models.


BUSB 340: Principles of Marketing (4)

Introduction to the concept of marketing and marketing principles. Focus on creating value for customers. Develops an understanding of the four elements of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and place/distribution) with application to product, service, profit, and not-for-profit enterprises in local, national, and international environments.


BUSB 260: Financial and Managerial Accounting (4)

Examines accounting information as an economic decision-making tool. This course presents the concepts, policies and procedures that govern accounting information systems. Students use that understanding to improve resource allocation by managers, owners, and creditors of an organization.


BUSB 342: International Business (4)

Examination of developments within international markets and the effects on the activities of business enterprises. Students study the effects of increasing international linkages on the role and conduct of domestic and international business functions. This course may be substituted by the study-abroad programs in INTB 470.


BUSB 361: Financial Management (4)

Principles of financial planning, control, and analysis of the firm and the role of the financial manager within the firm.


BUSB 370: Managing Quality and Operations (4)

Operations management issues and techniques to analyze problems for organizations that provide services and manufacturing products. Strategic issues and practical applications include productivity, competitiveness, supply chain management, decision-making, quality management, process selection, linear programming, transportation models, forecasting, inventory management, enterprise resource planning, project management, and simulation.


BUSB 433: GIS for Business (4)

Overview of GIS and spatial analysis applied to organizations. Focus on geographic information, location-based decision-making, spatial data, investment in and value of GIS, ethical aspects, and GIS strategies. Students learn through case studies and lab practice with spatial data.


BUSB 481: Strategic Management (4)

Develops analytical tools critical to assessing environments, opportunities, and threats needed to build and sustain long-term competitive advantage. Addresses knowledge, skills, and approaches necessary to generate, evaluate, and implement strategic alternatives. Emphasizes interrelationships of various organizational functions.


BUSB 485: Capstone: Analysis and Integration in Business and Management (4)

Focuses on integrating knowledge and skills acquired during the program and applying them to an organizational analysis. Students develop and present a Capstone Paper that utilizes artifacts created in earlier courses, synthesizes principles and theories from a broad arena of learning, and demonstrates effective skills of critical inquiry.

BUSB 484-IR22: Entrepreneurship Capstone (4)

An intensive lean startup course using the Startup Launch Assistance Map (SLAM) methodology. This session will be a mix of lectures, discussion, practical exercises, mentoring from experts for each team, peer mentoring and customer discovery to validate your whole approach.

Course Outcomes:
Business Plan (Startup Launch Assistance Map (SLAM))
Entrepreneurial Mindset Development