SFTS Church Resources

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What can we do for your church or group?

Since 1871, we have studied theology, scripture in its original languages, the history of Christianity, ethics, worship, pastoral care, and other arts of a creative, compassionate, and socially engaged ministry. How can we be helpful to you? We are available in person or online to support what you do in your church.

Things We Can Do For you

Lectionary, occasions of renewal and revival, commemorating traditions and historical events

Contemplative, chant, congregational leadership development

Worship Design
Multi-media and sensory approaches, theologies and traditions applied to worship design, biblical, inclusivity

Bible Study
Hebrew Bible, New Testament, theological (Reformed) interpretation of the Bible, post-colonial interpretation, racism and interpretation, histories of interpretation, feminist interpretation

Post Ministry Jobs
Create an account at Handshake, and your job postings will be seen by the entire at the University of Redlands community.

Other Adult Education
Spirituality and spiritual practices (contemplative, feminist, queer, Buddhist, medieval, Reformed); modern, post-modern, post-colonial, post-denominational, interfaith and comparative theologies, racism in the church; antisemitism and history of; histories of American religion; the social history of the Black Church in America; Belhar Confession, Immigration, Building Beloved Community, social justice issues/Mt 25 initiative

Leadership Seminars
For deacons, ruling elders or ministers of word and sacrament: biblical perspectives, Reformed perspectives, black-womanist perspectives, complex organizations, anti-racism, Companioning people who are homeless and/or living with mental health, addiction issues

Topics for Presentation or Group Discussion

Listed below are subjects the SFTS faculty is enthusiastic about researching and discussing to invite conversation and possibility amongst your congregants:

History of the Black Church, the social history of religion in the US, AME history

  • Dr. Julius Bailey, Eugene Farlough-California Chair in African-American Christianity, Professor of Religious Studies

Hebrew Bible, themes of race, identity, sexuality, violence, Matthew 25 project

  • Dr. Jon Berquist*, Visiting Distinguished Professor of Hebrew Bible

Immigrant and Latinx ministries, dismantling racism and community building for diversity and inclusion, Latinx theologies, small group process, Presbyterian Women

  • Rev. Dr. Teresa Chavez-Sauceda, Director of Advanced Pastoral Studies, Senior Clinical Professor of Ministry

Preaching, preaching workshops, public reading workshops

  • Rev. Dr. Jana Childers*, Newhall Professor of Homiletics and Speech Communication

Church’s response to trauma, capitalism and spiritual care, race, diversity and inclusion

  • Rev. Dr. Laurie Garrett-Cobbina*, Director, Shaw Chaplaincy Institute; Shaw Family Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Education; ACPE Certified Educator

Women contemplatives past and present, spiritual practices, interreligious dialogue, beauty as a spiritual practice; nature, art, and contemplative practice; compassion as a spiritual practice, the divine feminine, spiritual practices for resilience and radical compassion, activism and contemplative practice (integrating Martha and Mary), non-violence for our times; wounding by patriarchy, wounding of LGBTQ+ Christians; beyond Christendom; LGBTQ+ issues

  • Dr. Wendy Farley, Director, Program in Christian Spirituality, Rice Family Professor of Spirituality

Responses to homelessness; capitalism and spiritual care; whiteness in education and spiritual care; mental health, addiction, and spiritual care; chaplaincy; inter-religious practice and dialogue

  • Rev. Paul Gaffney, Program Manager of Education, Community Relations, and Spiritual Care Services; ACPE Certified Educator

Contemporary themes of Reformed theology, providence, free will, theology and science

  • Rev. Dr. Greg Love*, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

Entrepreneurship in ministry, worship design, liturgy, proclamation broadly conceived

  • Dr. Marcia McFee, Ford Fellow, Center for Innovation In Ministry, Visiting Professor in Worship

Religious conflict, Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations, Ecumenism, colonialism and missions, cultural exchange, pluralism, the liberal tradition, the history of liturgy and worship, the Reformation, chanted prayer, distributed models of leadership

  • Dr. Christopher Ocker, Assistant Provost , Interim Dean, and Professor of the History of Christianity

Gospels, Pauline letters, inclusion, justice

  • Rev. Dr. Eugene Park*, David and Dana Dornsife Professor of New Testament

Dismantling Racism through inclusive worship, group process, pastoral self-care, and spiritual direction

  • Rev. Ruth T. West*, Assistant Dean