Learning outcomes for this program may be found at: www.redlands.edu/BA-THAB/learning-outcomes.
Theatre Business Degree Requirements (48):
THA 424 Fall Senior Seminar and THA 425 Spring Senior Seminar are courses through which Theatre Arts and Theatre Business majors realize their Capstone Projects as part of a Spring Play Festival. Theatre Arts and Theatre Business seniors will propose a project in their area of interest in the fall of their senior year. Proposals must be approved by faculty. Areas of focus may include - Acting, Design, Directing, Dramaturgy, Marketing, Playwriting, or Stage Management. All capstone projects must include a writing component that demonstrates critical capacity and a formal presentation appropriate to the student’s target audience. Capstone requirement will include a specific business element based on the specifics of each student’s capstone with at least one committee member from the theatre faculty and one from the business administration faculty.
Theatre Business Degree Requirements (48-52 credits):
Internship Requirement: 0-4 credits
Each student will complete an internship with a professional theatre company or will create an internship involving a University sponsored event. Internships must be completed in junior year or in the fall of senior year. Students’ internship experience will be connected with their written capstone experience.
Theatre Business Capstone Requirement
THA 425 Senior Seminar (offered in spring semester) is the course through which Theatre Arts and Theatre Business majors realize their Capstone Projects as part of a Spring Play Festival. Theatre Arts and Theatre Business seniors will propose a project in their area of interest in the fall of their senior year. Proposals must be approved by faculty. Areas of focus may include - Acting, Design, Directing, Dramaturgy, Marketing, Playwriting, or Stage Management. All capstone projects must include a writing component that demonstrates critical capacity and a formal presentation appropriate to the student’s target audience. Capstone requirement will include a specific business element based on the specifics of each student’s capstone with at least one committee member from the theatre faculty and one from the business administration faculty.
Courses considered for cross-listing toward Theatre arts and theatre business degree credit include: