Nicholas Reksten

Associate Professor, Economics

Nicholas Reksten

Areas of Expertise


Environmental Economics


Ph.D., Economics,
American University, 2015

B.A., International Studies and Economics, American University, 2007

For the Media

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About Nicholas

I teach courses in economics, focusing on issues of climate, the environment, gender, race, and research methodologies. I have co-written an introductory economics textbook, Principles of Economics in a Nutshell.

My research examines the role of social norms in economic activity, especially with respect to coping with and mitigating climate change. Other projects investigate the intersection between ecological and feminist economics.

I grew up in Tennessee and moved to Washington, D.C. for college and stayed for 11 years, working on energy and climate policy reporting and attending graduate school. After spending 2 years living in New York City, I moved to Redlands in 2016. In my spare time, I enjoy playing the piano, hiking, board games, and baking.


Courses Taught

ECON 100: Economics and Society

ECON 101: Principles of Economics

ECON 205: Ecological Economics

ECON 240: Economics of Race, Class, and Gender

ECON 350: Microeconomic Theory

ECON 455: Environmental and Resource Economics

ECON 465: Senior Seminar in Economics


2014-2016: Guest Faculty, Economics, Sarah Lawrence College - Bronxville, NY

2014: Short-Term Research Assistant Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank - Washington, DC

2012-2013: Adjunct Instructor, Economics, American University - Washington, DC

2009-2013: Graduate Advising Fellow, Office of Merit Awards, American University - Washington, DC

2007-2009: Researcher, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) - Washington, DC


Reksten, N. (2023). Gender Inequality In Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium. Brent Haddad and Barry D. Solomon, eds. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Press.

Reksten, Nicholas and Maria Floro. (2021). Feminist Ecological Economics: A Care-Centered Approach to Sustainability. In Sustainable Consumption and Production, Volume 1: Challenges and Development. Ranjula Bali Swain and Susanne Sweet, eds. (p. 369-389). Palgrave Macmillan: New York. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-56371-4

Garbo, L., Isenberg, D., and Reksten, N. (2020). Principles of Economics in a Nutshell. Routledge: London.

Reksten, N. (2018). Stakeholders and Voluntary Climate Reduction Goals at Large U.S. Firms: An Institutional Analysis. The Social Science Journal 55: p. 221-231. doi: 10.1016/j.soscij.2018.05.004

Roncolato, L., Reksten, N., and Grown, C. (2017). Engendering Growth Diagnostics: Examining Constraints to Private Investment and Entrepreneurship. Development Policy Review 35(2): p. 263-287.

Roncolato, L., Reksten, N., and Grown, C. (2014). Mind the GAP: Evaluation Report of the Implementation of the Operational Policy on Gender Equality in Development (Gender Policy) and Gender Action Plan for Operations, 2011-2012 (GAP) Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, DC.

Wisman, J. and Reksten, N. (2013). Rising Job Complexity and the Need for Government Guaranteed Work and Training. In The Job Guarantee: Toward True Full Employment. Matthew Forstater & Michael Murray, eds. (p. 5-38). Palgrave Macmillan: New York.

Reksten, N. (2008). Changing the Question. Synthesis/Regeneration Magazine, 45 (Winter).

Awards, Honors, Grants

2015-2016: Ziesing Fund Award, Sarah Lawrence College

2014: Weaver Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student, American University

2014: Department of Economics Dissertation Fellowship, American University

2013: Completion of 3-year Greenberg Teaching Seminar Series, American University

2010: College of Arts & Science Mellon Travel Grant, American University

2009–2013: Graduate Fellowship, American University

2003–2007: Presidential Scholarship, American University

Invited Presentations

Reksten, N. “Energy Revolutions: Economic History, Economic Future,” Climate Teach-In, University of Redlands. Redlands, CA. (April 7, 2022).

Reksten, N. “Exploring Gendered Impacts of Climate Change through Feminist Ecological Economics.” Gender, Research, and Action in the Global South Seminar Series, REACH programme. University of Oxford School of Geography and Environment. Oxford, UK. (December 3, 2021).

Reksten, N. “Feminist Ecological Economics: Understanding Links Between Nature and Social Reproduction.” University of Redlands Faculty Forum, Redlands, CA. (January 23, 2020).

Aftab, Z., Reksten, N., Reyes, I., and Slavchevska, V. "Engendering the Growth Diagnostics Analysis: An Application to Ghana.” Millennium Challenge Corporation brown bag & US Agency for International Development Economic Growth Sector Council seminars. (May 2011)



Member of American Economic Association

Member of International Society of Ecological Economics

Member of International Association for Feminist Economics

Member of Union of Radical Political Economists