Lorenzo Garbo


Lorenzo Garbo


Ph.D., Economics,
Columbia University, 1995

M.Phil., Economics,
Columbia University, 1993

M.A., Economics,
Columbia University, 1992

Laurea in Economics, Magna cum laude, University of Venice, 1989


Duke Hall
P: 909.748.8738
E: lorenzo_garbo@redlands.edu

Courses Taught

ECON 101: Principles of Economics

ECON 307: History of Economic Thought

ECON 350: Microeconomic Theory

ECON 424: International Economics


2017-2018: Acting Chair, Department of Creative Writing, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA

2014-2015: Chair, Department of Economics, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA

2008-present: Professor of Economics, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA

2007-2008: Co-Chair, Department of Economics, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA

2002-2007: Chair, Department of Economics, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA

2001-2008: Associate Professor of Economics, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA

1997-1998: Associate Research Scientist, Center on International Cooperation, New York University, New York, NY; Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, New York University, New York, NY; Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, Columbia University, New York, NY

1996-2001: Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA

1994-1996: Lecturer in Economics, Columbia University, New York, NY

1993: Research Associate, Commission on Global Governance, Geneva, Switzerland



Garbo, L. (2016). Adam Smith’s Last Teachings: Dialectical Wisdom. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 38(1), 41-54.

Garbo, L. (2012). Early Evolution of the Assumption of Non-Satiation. Review of Political Economy, 24(1), 15-32.

Garbo, L. (2009). Wholesome Synergies between Green Gulch Farm and Academia. San Francisco Zen Center Wind Bell.

Garbo, L. (2002). International Convergence in Regulation: The Case of Measurable Standards. International Advances in Economic Research, 8(1), 10-19.

Garbo, L. (1993). L'Ottimizzazione Economia e in Politica: Alcune Riflessioni sul Processo di Scambio [Some Linkages between Economic and Political Optimizing Behaviors]. Rivista di Politica Economica, 83(3), 157-198.

Book chapters:

Garbo, L. (2002). Wassily Leontief (1906-1999): The Founder of Input-Output Analysis and the Laureate of 1973. In A.N.M. Wahid (Ed.), Frontiers of Economics: Nobel Laureates of the Twentieth Century (pp. 63-73), Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Book reviews:

Garbo, L. (2012). Review of the book Economic Persuasions by S. Gudeman (Ed.). Review of Social Economy, 70(3), 392-395.

Garbo, L. (2009). Review of the book AIDS and the Ecology of Poverty by E. Stillwaggon. Review of Social Economy, 67(2), 237-240.

Garbo, L. (2009). Review of the book Human Development in the Era of Globalization: Essays in Honor of Keith B. Griffin by J.K. Boyce et al. (Eds.). Review of Social Economy, 67(1), 120-123.

Garbo, L. (2004). Review of the book Frontiers of Development Economics. The Future in Perspective by G.M. Meier & J.E. Stiglitz (Eds.). Review of Political Economy, 16(3), 398-399.

Garbo, L. (2004). Review of the book Trade, Development and Political Economy. Essays in Honour of Anne O. Krueger by D. Lal & R.H. Snape (Eds.). Review of Political Economy, 16(1), 140-143.


Findlay, R. (2005). Proporzioni dei Fattori, Commercio Internazionale e Crescita (L. Garbo, Trans.). [Factor Proportions, Trade, and Growth]. Bologna: Nuova Editoriale Grasso. (Original work published 1995)

Textbook revisions:

Riddell, T., Shackelford, J.A., Stamos, S.C., & Schneider, G. (2001). Economics: A Tool for Critically Understanding Society (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley. 

Awards, Honors, Grants

2017-present: Member of International Economics Advisory Board, Cambridge Scholars Publishing

2012-2013: University of Redlands Faculty Research Grant

2009: University of Redlands Mortar Board Professor of the Year

2008-2009: University of Redlands Faculty Research Grant

2008: University of Redlands Outstanding Teaching Award

2003-2008: Board of Advisors, Global Diversity Institute

2001-2002: The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation Faculty Fellowship

1999-2000: University of Redlands Faculty Research Grant

1999: University of Redlands Outstanding Teaching Award

1997-1998: University of Redlands Faculty Research Grant

1997: William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Research Grant

1991-1993: Columbia University President's Fellowship, Ente Luigi Einaudi Fellowship

Invited Presentations

2018: California State University-San Bernardino Interfaith Center

2017: California State University-San Bernardino Interfaith Center

2016: Liberty Fund Interdisciplinary Roundtable on Adam Smith and Samuel Johnson, Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), Annual Conference of the History of Economic Society

2013: Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economics Thought (ESHET), Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society (HES), Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE)

2012: Conference on Practical Wisdom for Management and Economics from the Buddhist Traditions

2011: Symposium on Spirituality and Scholarship

2010: 13th World Congress of the Association for Social Economics

2009: Mortar Board Professor of the Year University of Redlands President’s High Table

2008: Center for Contemplative Mind in Society Spring Retreat for Academics, Naropa University “Contemplative Pedagogy” Seminar, West Covina Buddhist Temple Study Center

2005: University of Redlands Conference on Sustainable Development

2004: Esalen Institute “Natural Capitalism” Workshop

2003: University of Redlands Alumni Association Meeting

2000: World Bank Workshop “Quantifying the Trade Effect on Standards and Regulatory Barriers: Is it Possible?”, Fiftieth International Atlantic Economic Conference

1999: Lowe Institute of Political Economy and the Claremont Institute of Economic Policy Studies Workshop “Political Economy of Reform of the IMF and the International Financial Architecture”

1997: World Affairs Council of Inland Southern California “Balancing American’s Global Interests” Meeting, University of California-Irvine, Western Economic Association Annual Conference, United Nations Development Programme and the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee “The Multilateral Trading System and the Least Developed Countries” Conference, United Nations Development Programme “Global Public Goods: A New Rationale for Development Cooperation” Workshop

1996: University of Bologna, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Symposium on International Standards and Deep Integration


Association for Social Economics

European Society for the History of Economic Thought

History of Economics Society

International Adam Smith Society