Prison ID Number: 01-XXXXX*
What does your prison ID number mean to you?
“It's kinda like a branding. It took away my name. It took away my identity. It took away a lot of stuff. I had to say it and I was called by it all the time. So there was no attachment, it was as though this is who you are while you're here. I hated it. ‘01-XXXXX*.’ ‘01-XXXXX*.’ ‘What's your number?’ ‘01-XXXXX*.’ ‘Say it again.’
“One time, my wife said to me ‘I hate writing this. I hate saying it.’ Cause letters, everything has to be addressed with my number. And going in for visits. She said ‘I'm so happy that I don't have to say that no more.’
“I hated saying it. I'm not a number.”
*Not his real number.