Cosmic Zinefest Information

Logo design by Shlah Dennon (JC '21)

Here's what's going on at the Cosmic Zinefest...

Cosmic Zinefest is an independent arts, music, and publishing festival to celebrate the D.I.Y. artists and writers of Johnston’s past, present, and future on Saturday, February 16, from 1:00-4:30PM in University Hall. Alumni and students will have the opportunity to show, sell, and trade their D.I.Y. publications and small works of art. This all-ages event will feature interactive zine and art-making tables, a storytelling booth, and a family corner for baby buffalo and their parents to chill together plus... LIVE music by JC solo artists:

1:30PM - (not ur) BabyG1rl ('21)
2:30PM - Chelsea Uniqorn ('06)
3:30PM - Ben Wyeth '05 (formerly of HOCKEY)

Stick around afterwards for the alumni Panel on Practice: Creative Arts

4:45PM - "From Room to Bloom: An Interdisciplinary Arts Panel" curated by Professor Alisa Slaughter

Please join a group of Johnston writers, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and publishers for a panel discussion on the transition of creative work from the quiet incubator of the ROOM to the wider world, where it can BLOOM. Featuring: Gayle Brandeis '90, Taylor Miller '04, Eric Wong '10 and moderated by Hanna Bratton '14.

Email for more information.