Classes may be dropped online in Self-Service until the final day to drop classes without appearing on academic transcript (usually mid-way through the semester). It is important to discuss academic and financial aid implications with your advisor prior to dropping a course. Deadlines for adds/drops are found on the Academic Calendar. Be sure to check the calendar each term.
Students may choose to withdraw from a class with a mark of “W” on their academic transcript after the first drop deadline has passed. Students have approximately three weeks after the first drop deadline to submit their request to withdraw from a course (see the Academic Calendar for deadlines). Once the final withdraw deadline has passed, students may submit petitions for waivers of academic regulation electronically for consideration. To submit a petition, select and complete the appropriate form from the Registrar’s Form Center. Use the Late Add/Drop Petition to add or drop a course after the add/drop deadline has passed. A fee is charged when late drops are approved. A student should continue going to class in case the petition is not approved. Assistance with the petition process is available from your advisor.
It is always important for the student to speak first with the professor to determine what kind of assistance would be appropriate. The Academic Success Center, in Student Development, offers individual tutoring in many disciplines at no cost. Writing Tutors are also available in the Academic Success Center to assist with writing in any discipline and at any stage of the writing process. Academic Success Coaches and Peer Mentors also assist with time management, study skills, academic planning, and general assistance with adjusting to the culture of college. Visit for details.
Students must earn 128 credits in order to graduate.
Yes! A normal course load per semester is four 4-credit courses. An average of 32 credits per year are needed to reach 128 credits. Two semesters of 16 credits and a 3-credit May Term course adds up to 35 credits per year. In four years many students earn more than the minimum number of credits needed for graduation. Students meet with their faculty advisors to plan how to best utilize their four years here.
General education requirements at Redlands are called Liberal Arts Inquiry (LAI). Courses that satisfy an area of inquiry are meant to offer depth and breadth to the educational experience while instilling life-long skills. Inquiries into Practices across the Liberal Arts require one course from each of these four areas: Creative Practice (C), Humanities Practice (H), Natural Scientific Practice (NS), and Social Scientific Practice (SS). Inquiries into Self and Society require courses from the following: Evaluating Perspectives and Worldviews (EPW), Building Intercultural Competency (BIC), Analyzing Power and Inequalities (API), and Thinking Globally (TG). Literacies and Skills development through embedded experiences and foundational courses are: Foreign Language Learning (FL), Information and Media Literacy (IML), Oral Communication (OC), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W). Students are able to view available courses fulfilling each area of inquiry online via Student Planning.
A student’s major must be declared before registration for their junior year (64 credits), but can be made at any time as long as the major declaration requirements for that major are completed. The Declaration of a Major/Minor form is available on the Registrar’s Form Center. A new advisor in the major department is assigned when the major is declared.
Prior to taking classes for credit at any accredited college here or abroad, fill out the Transfer Approval Request form. A screenshot of the course description and the catalog cover must accompany the form. If the course to be transferred is intended to fulfill a major or minor requirement, take the completed form and accompanying paperwork to that department chair for approval. If the course to be transferred is intended to fulfill an LAI, it is submitted to the Registrar for approval at