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We want to reassure the U of R community that we are far from the wildfires, and our air quality remains safe. The University continues to operate business as usual. Our hearts are with those impacted by the fires, including our colleagues at Woodbury University.
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Marin campus - Student village

Learn all about the Student village at the Marin campus

Our graduate student housing is designed to support your academic success while providing the independence you want.

The student village buildings are located on Kensington Court. These buildings are part of the most recent construction that was completed in 2015, they have newer appliances, and they are the only units on the property that have gas ranges and dishwashers. Each building in the Student Village has a coin-operated (with phone application now available too) laundry room with washers and dryers. Each unit has to maintain their own PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electricity) account as they are separately metered.