Timely care at the University of Redlands


The University of Redlands has contracted with TimelyCare, a provider of online mental health counseling services, to offer a telehealth option to all registered University of Redlands students to expand and supplement services currently available at the Counseling Center. TimelyCare makes it easy for students to get quality mental health care online or from their phone, anytime they need it.

Students now have access to TimelyCare, which provides 24/7 mental telehealth care for all registered students, at no cost. Timely Care offers the following visits with student-focused, licensed counselors:

  • Unlimited 24/7 access to TalkNow emotional support
  • Scheduled counseling, 12 free visits per year with a licensed counselor
  • Accessible from any location within the United States on any smartphone or web-enabled device

What is TimelyCare?

Access to 24/7 mental health support for all Redlands students

Who can use TimelyCare?

Any enrolled Redlands student can use TimelyCare.

What services are available?

TalkNow visits (24/7 mental health support)  and  Scheduled  Counseling visits (12 per year) are available at no cost.

How much does a visit cost?

There is no cost to enrolled Redlands students.

I already have insurance and a primary provider, how does TimelyCare benefit me?

With TimelyCare, you will have free, 24/7 access to counselors from anywhere in the United States, so you’ll never have to spend time or money looking for resources when you’re away from home or campus.

How do I log in?

Go to timelycare.com/Redlands and follow the prompts. *Mobile users will be directed to download the TimelyCare app.



Click here & visit Timely Care to get started!