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Pride Center

The Pride Center provides a safe place for people who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ and allies to have a resource on campus to explore queer topics and engage in positive interaction. The Pride Center serves as the meeting space for student groups and hosts speakers, discussion groups, and community events. For more information, drop in and say hello.


For more than 15 years, the Pride Center has provided a space for courageous dialogue and educational resources for the University and the local community.

Available Programs

If you have ideas of programs you would like to initiate on campus, come talk to us!

Campuses and community organizations across the country celebrate National Coming Out Week in October each year leading up to National Coming Out Day (October 11). At the University of Redlands, we provide informational displays and media presentations of the contributions of queer people to our society.

We also build a "Coming Out Closet" in the middle of campus where LGBTQIA2S+ people and Allies can "come out" in support of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. This week features speakers, vigils, and spoken word events to educate the broader campus community about LGBTQIA2S+ issues.

If you are interested in helping plan events for National Coming Out Week, please contact a Pride Center intern.

World AIDS Day is an international day of awareness that takes place annually on December 1. It provides a day of reflection and education about HIV/AIDS. Over 24 million people are infected worldwide, and many more are impacted, losing family members and community leaders.

At the University of Redlands, we honor the struggle of those living with HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day by hosting awareness programs. For more information, please get in touch with a  Pride Center intern.

On the National Day of Silence, hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBTQIA2S+ name-calling, bullying, and harassment in their schools. At the University of Redlands, we support this effort by hosting an information table on harassment of LGBTQIA2S+ youth and coordinating photo projects and silence pledges.

For more information about this initiative, visit

The Pride Center coordinates the Transgender Day of Remembrance to raise awareness of and honor the pain suffered by this community because of discrimination and violence. We host a vigil and informational displays to educate the campus community about this day.

Symbol: Rainbow (w/black & brown) flag
Year Founded: 2006
Current Co-Directors: TBA
Advisor: Monqiue Stennis

Safe Space Allies works to encourage acceptance and appreciation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and the many other sexual orientations, gender identities, and
romantic orientations someone can affirm who they are (LGBTQIA2S+).

A key component of Safe Space Allies is ally training and awareness campaigns, in which students, faculty, administrators and staff are trained to become Safe Space Allies. In these trainings, participants learn about sexual orientation and related issues, including the implications of coming out and how to combat discrimination and harassment on campus.

The group works to combat homophobia, heterosexism, transphobia, discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation, perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.

Members who complete the training receive an official flag decal with the logo. Allies are encouraged to post the decal on their residence hall door, in their offices or in other appropriate spaces to show their support for the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

The Department of Residential Life and Housing (RLH) and Campus Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) at the University of Redlands seek to provide a living environment welcoming to all gender identities; one not limited by the traditional understanding of gender as only male and female. Gender-inclusive housing allows individuals to live together regardless of biological sex. Offering gender-inclusive housing supports creating a more inclusive campus climate and community.

Gender-inclusive housing means students from all gender identities and expressions may choose to live together. Thus, gender-inclusive housing is for anyone who wants to live with people with whom they feel comfortable - no matter their gender. Students who elect this option must be open to living with a person of any gender.

The following values guide gender-inclusive housing assignments:

  • Respect for and affirmation of the student's gender identity and/or expression.
  • Prioritized attention to the student's physical safety and emotional health.
  • Enhancing the student's opportunity for success at the University of Redlands by finding the best match between the student's needs and the options available.

If you would like more information, please contact: Residence Life and Housing