Center for Spatial Business

Where business intelligence meets GIS

The Center for Spatial Business seeks to stimulate, support, and provide thought leadership for spatial business research and education. We develop knowledge through applied location analytics and GIS research, enrich education and curriculum for business schools, and provide outreach to academic and professional communities.

About the Center

The Center for Spatial Business seeks to develop knowledge and thought leadership about location analytics and its applications in business for researchers, practitioners, students, and the community at large. Its goals are to enhance and grow understanding of location value, spatial decision-making, and locational strategies in business through research and scholarship. The Center also develops contemporary curricula in spatial business, provides global leadership in spatial thinking for businesses and organizations, partners with companies, communities, and academic organizations to promote cooperation in furthering scientific understanding of place and location for organization and business success. 

The Center focuses on: 

  • INCREASING the level of incorporation of spatial thinking and GIS in business programs at the University of Redlands and other schools of business.
  • PROVIDING training towards accomplishing excellence in pedagogical aspects of spatial business. 
  • EXPANDING current research initiatives and projects on Spatial Business and Location Analytics at Redlands and beyond. 
  • DEVELOPING networks of collaborative partnerships and projects with other universities, businesses, and organizations. 

Learn more and follow the Center for Spatial Business on LinkedIn 

We're here for you

Whether you're a student, an industry professional, or a faculty member, you'll find helpful resources such as workshop and conference materials, teaching cases, exercises, and syllabi, speaker series presentations and videos, and student awards