Substance & Alcohol Abuse

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the University of Redlands provides extensive education and information programs to prevent substance and alcohol abuse.  The following programs and workshops are conducted prior to new student arrival on campus and during new student orientation:

  • Campus Clarity:  Campus Clarity is a one-stop-shop training for students, staff, and faculty.  Since 2013, Campus Clarity has helped nearly 200 schools comply with the SaVE Act and Title IX through interactive and engaging online training.  Incoming new students are required to complete the online course “Think About It”, prior to their arrival on campus. “Think About It” is an ongoing online alcohol/substance use and sexual abuse training program that prepares students to confront and prevent serious campus problems.  This program delivers the Title IX and Campus SaVE Act training in a non-judgmental approach to effectively reach students.  Students are monitored for their level of completion and non-compliance results in a monetary fine, and a student’s inability to register for spring classes.
  • Shot of Reality:  Shot of Reality is mandatory for all new students.  During orientation, new students are required to attend this educational program, which delivers alcohol and educational information in a comical and effective way, which young adults can relate too.  Student attendance is monitored and any absent students are required to complete an online version via Campus Clarity.
  • Orientation Mentors:  Orientation Mentors (OM), are upper-class students charged with running individualized groups for all new students during orientation week.  Each OM has a group of new students ranging from 12 – 16 participants.  OM’s receive extensive training and are required to have various educational sessions with their student groups.  The programs range from “ice breakers and meet & greets to discussions regarding the University’s policies for parties on campus and alcohol consumption.  OM’s are trained to facilitate open-ended discussions regarding expectations on students for parties with respect to alcohol use.

In addition, throughout the academic year, the following programs are offered at residence hall meetings and special programs conducted by campus organizations to address student behavior or incidents, and student organizations:

  • BASICS:  BASICS, is an acronym for Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students and is an evidence-based strategy for helping students reflect on their drinking behaviors and make positive change.  This intervention program is facilitated by professionals in the Office of Student Conduct and consists of an initial meeting, an online self-assessment, and a follow-up meeting to discuss the results of the self-assessment.  Facilitators use motivational interviewing techniques to help students identify and pursue potential for positive change.
  • Haven Programs: The Haven House is our campus recovery home, which houses students who desire to live in a sober/substance free residence.  Students who reside in the home are in recovery and work collaboratively with a Substance Abuse Counselor (SAC).  The Haven/SAC also holds weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meetings open to all students and the community youth.  Haven also offers a one-time “Myths and Facts” class relating to alcohol and substance use.  Students can self-refer and attend this class voluntarily, while other students are sanctioned to attend as a result of a conduct incident.
  • New Member Education:  Each semester, all new members from any one of the many clubs/organizations on campus can voluntarily take an Educational Class on Alcohol.  The program is not a requirement or mandated for all students, however, it is mandated for all new members who belong to a Fraternity or Sorority.  The Educational Class on Alcohol covers the topics of: consumption rates, Blood Alcohol Concentration, how to help a friend, drinking culture, and comparisons to normative alcohol data.
  • Sober Host Training:  Any student organization wishing to host parties on campus must have at least 85% of their membership complete the 2-hour Sober Host Training.  Similar to the Responsible Beverage Service Training required by the State for bartenders and servers, this training teaches participants how to: manage a party, recognize physical signs of intoxication, intervene helpfully, deescalate situations, how to seek assistance “before” there is a concern, and create responsible entrance and service procedures, etc.
  • Peer Education:  Various educational and awareness-raising events are sponsored throughout the year by the University’s Peer Education program.  These events cover a variety of topics (including stress, mental health, alcohol and substance use, healthy eating, sexual health, etc.) and can range from table events in the University Commons to educational workshops for organizations and residence halls.


The University recognizes that substance or alcohol abuse may be indicative of other problems.  Student Services offers both on-campus counseling and off-campus referrals for students in need.  Student Affairs distributes brochures and materials covering all current resources available to students to prevent substance and alcohol abuse.  For employees, the University’s Personnel Policies and Procedures manual includes a “Drug-Free Workplace Policy.”  In addition, the University offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for those in need of personal assistance.

The University is governed by and supports local, state and federal laws regarding the use, possession and sales/furnishing of alcohol and/or controlled substances.  Any person found responsible for illegal possession, distribution and/or consumption of any controlled substance, including alcohol, will be subject to disciplinary action by the University.  In addition, violators may be subject to criminal prosecution, fines and/or imprisonment by civil authorities.  The legal drinking age in California is 21.  State law deals strongly with underage alcohol possession and drinking.  It is a crime to furnish alcohol to underage individuals, consume or possess an open alcohol beverage in public.  Students located in an area open to the public who are determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance or intoxicated to the extent that they cannot care for their safety will be turned over to the Redlands Police Department.