Recycling at Redlands

At Redlands, recycling is a way of life.

You are encouraged to recycle paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, cardboard and other solid waste. You also have opportunities to dispose of electronic waste, including used light bulbs, computers, cell phones, batteries and heavy metals.

A grass recycling program also is in place, and paint waste reduction and food and water reduction efforts also are encouraged campus-wide.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce Waste

  • Use E-mail

  • Purchase long lasting products

  • Post general information to reduce copies

Reuse Supplies

  • Use a reusable mug instead of styrofoam or paper

  • Reuse file folders

  • Use the back of used paper

Recycle and buy recycled

  • Bins are provided for recycling; do not use them for garbage

Did you know?

100% of the water used to irrigate landscaping on campus is non-potable.