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Neena Gopalan Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Associate Director of the Banta Center for Ethical and Purposeful Leadership
Business Administration & Management


  • Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Kansas State University 
  • M.B.A., University of Madras

Professional Background

  • Hutchison Corporate Access, New Delhi, India
  • Lewis University, Illinois


  • Work and Family Researchers Network

  • International Leadership Association

  • Academy of Management


  • Journal of Family and Economic Issues
  • Current Psychology
  • South Asian Journal of Business Studies
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Quality Assurance in Education
  • Journal of Education and Work
  • Journal of Family Studies
  • Journal of Organizational Psychology
  • Stress and Health
  • Employee Rights and Responsibilities
  • Journal of Psychology – Applied and Interdisciplinary
  • Universitas Psychologica
  • Routledge Publishers (book chapters)
  • Cambridge University Press (book chapter)



Awards and service

  • Academy of Management
  • Eastern Academy of Management
  • Academy of Business Research
  • Midwest Academy of Management
  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Work and Family Researchers Network
  • International Personnel Assessment Council
  • Western Decision Sciences Institute

Areas of Expertise

  • Immigration
  • Work and family interface dynamics
  • Leadership