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Profile - Hongwei Lu

Hongwei Lu Ph.D.

Asian Studies


  • Ph.D., East Asian Studies, University of Oregon
  • M.A., English, Clark University
  • Graduate Diploma, International Journalism Fudan University
  • B.A., English, Central-China Normal University

Professional Background

  • Hamilton College, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Freeman Postdoctoral Fellow of Chinese Literature and Film
  • Vassar College, Visiting Instructor of Asian Studies

  • Fudan University, School of Journalism, Lecturer


  • "Unknown Pleasures: National Development and Underclass Disenchantment"
    2015 (ICAS 9) The 9th International Convention of Asian Scholars
    Adelaide, Australia, July 5-10, 2015

  • "Adolescent Masculinity and Social Adaptation of Contemporary Chinese Youth"
    2015 (ASIANetwork) ASIANetwork Annual Conference
    St Louis, Missouri, April 10-12, 2015

  • "The Grassroots Perspective: Chinese Independent Filmmakers' Aesthetic Engagement with Underclass Reality"
    2014 (ASIANetwork) ASIANetwork Annual Conference
    Chicago, Illinois, April 11-13, 2014

  • Invited Guest Speaker. "The New Woman, the Iron Lady, and the Body Writers: A Historical Perspective on Gender in Modern Chinese Literature."
    May 23, 2013, California State University, Los Angeles
    Asian-Asian American Studies Program

  • "The Lost Generation on the Playground of the Cultural Revolution."
    2013 (ASIANetwork) ASIANetwork annual conference
    Nashville, Tennessee, April 12-14, 2013

  • " ‘Shanghai Baby's Love Affair with Transnational Capitalism
    2012 (ASIANetwork) ASIANetwork annual conference
    Portland, Oregon, March 30-April 1, 2012

  • "New Faces of Revolution: Political Imagination in Contemporary TV Drama"
    2011 (AAS) Association for Asian Studies annual conference
    Honolulu, Hawaii

  • "Film and Cultural Exchange in Shadow Magic"
    Chinese Cinema in the US since 1979 Conference
    University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Oct. 8-9, 2010

  • "Cruel Youth, Urban Linglei, and Special Economic Zone Syndrome: Mian Mian's Candy" 2010 (MCAA) Midwestern Conference on Asian Affairs
    Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 1-3, 2010

  • "Shanghai and Globalization in the Lens of Film Noir: on Lou Ye's Film Suzhou River"
    2010 (ASIANetwork) ASIANetwork annual conference
    Atlanta, April 9-11, 2010

  • "Historical Victimization and Individual Survival in To Live"
    2010 (AHA) American Historical Association annual conference
    San Diego, January 7-10, 2010

  • "New Urban Cinema: Transformation of Urban Space and Familial Intimacy in Contemporary China"
    ASJC 2009 (2009 Asian Studies in Japan Conference)
    Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, June 20-21, 2009

  • "Taiwan Popular Culture and Cultural Change in Post-Mao China"
    ASPAC 2008 (2008 Asian Studies Conference of the Pacific Coast)
    University of Victoria, Canada, June 13-15, 2008


  • Hongwei Lu is the Faculty Advisor for the Asian Student Association.


Lu, Hongwei. "The Grassroots Perspective: Sixth Generation Cinema and Independent Filmmaking in China." Independent Filmmaking Around the Globe. Eds. Doris Baltruschat and Mary P. Erickson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015. 175-187.


Lu, Hongwei. "Cruel Youth, Urban Linglei, and Special Economic Zone Syndrome in Mian Mian's Candy." Chinese Literature Today 1.2 (2011): 40-47.


Lu, Hongwei. "Shanghai and Globalization in the Lens of Film Noir: Lou Ye's 2000 Film, Suzhou River." ASIANetwork Exchange: A Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts 18.1(2010): 116-127.


Lu, Hongwei. "Shanghai Baby's Love Affair with Transnational Capitalism." Chinese Literature Today 1.1 (2010): 39-44.


Lu, Hongwei. Trans. "The Gender of Memory: Rural Chinese Women and the 1950s." by Gail Hershatter, in Ping Yao ed. Chinese Women's History. Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe, 2009.


Lu, Hongwei. "From Roots to Routes or Vice Versa: Transformation of Urban Space and Familial Intimacy-On New Urban Cinema." Asian Cinema vol 19:2 (2008): 102-134.


Areas of Expertise

  • Chinese film and media studies
  • Chinese literature, art, and culture

  • Chinese language acquisition

  • Contemplation of Nature in Chinese and Japanese Traditions