To: Faculty, Staff, and Administrators
From: Krista Newkirk
Subject: Confidential Reporting System
At Redlands, we value the unique power of relationships to create an environment for students, faculty, and staff to excel, contribute and grow. We know that trust, respect, and fairness are all essential elements of our foundation for relating and working together. To enable and sustain these aspirations, we require the highest standards of ethical behavior.
Our ethical standards are included in the University’s “Code of Ethics,” as adopted by our Board of Trustees. These standards are supplemented by our Faculty Handbook and other policy documents, as well as additional guidelines referenced in our Personnel Policies and Procedures. We encourage all of you as members of the University of Redlands team to review these resources and raise any ethics-related questions or concerns with your supervisor as they arise.
We also realize that there may be circumstances in which a more private method for communicating concerns is appropriate. The use of a confidential reporting system has become a best practice in the higher education community. A confidential reporting system provides a mechanism for the public, faculty, staff, students, donors, and others to report concerns about the institution’s adherence to ethical standards and compliance with various laws and regulations.
We continue to offer the EthicsPoint system, which provides a simple and risk-free method for anonymously reporting actions or behaviors that may violate local, state, or federal laws or institutional policies. Reports are forwarded to appropriate University officials for review and action. No individual submitting a report will be subjected to retaliatory actions for making a report or inquiry or for seeking guidance on how to deal with potential or suspected improper behavior.
University employees are encouraged to use whichever method is preferred – a conversation with your supervisor, or the confidential reporting tool – to report such behavior. The EthicsPoint reporting tool is intended to supplement, rather than replace or supersede, our existing reporting methods.
Every employee, regardless of position, shares the responsibility for promoting a positive and ethical work environment. The existence of a confidential reporting system is an important way for the University to demonstrate the institution’s commitment to accountability for its conduct. I appreciate all of your ongoing efforts to maintain the highest level of ethical practices at our University.
If you still have questions, please contact the Vice President for Finance and Administration at 909-748-8180 or the Controller’s Office at 909-748-8171 or email