Bulldog Bites

News and Views from the University of Redlands

Forever Yours: By the numbers

With a record $207,159,850 in gifts and commitments, Forever Yours marks a significant philanthropic milestone for the institution, and Bulldogs will feel the ripple effects for years to come.

By the numbers:

More than $126 million raised for Scholarship Promise (gifts and commitments)

More than $207 million total raised during the Forever Yours campaign (gifts and commitments)

72 new endowed scholarships during the life of the campaign

$35 million from the late Rich Hunsaker ’52 and Ginnie Hunsaker ’52 to establish the Hunsaker Scholarship Prize, the largest gift in the campaign

$42.4 million raised for Personalized Education (gifts and commitments)

36 endowed faculty positions, including four new chairs gained during the Forever Yours campaign that have yet to be filled

234 student science researchers funded during the Forever Yours campaign

15,573 Forever Yours campaign donors*

  • 7,690 alumni and students
  • 4,138 parents
  • 3,677 friends
  • 908 faculty and staff
  • 613 corporations, foundations, and organizations
  • 58 trustees

*donors appear in multiple categories

$17.1 million raised for Experiential Learning (gifts and commitments)

$1,616,955 cash-in-hand for the Coach Jim Verdieck Tennis Center during the Forever Yours campaign, with an additional $800,000 in commitments toward the $3 million goal

4 tennis courts and 18 tennis benches named during the Forever Yours campaign

100,000+ service hours from U of R students annually, resulting in $2.4 million in social value to the local community

3 Giving Days during the Forever Yours campaign, raising nearly $750,000

$7.5 million raised for Global Perspectives (gifts and commitments)

81 travel grants awarded to students during the Forever Yours campaign

7,533 new donors during the Forever Yours campaign

$4,925 average gift for the Forever Yours campaign

37 crowdfunding projects for specific University needs during the Forever Yours campaign

$13.8 million raised for Educational Innovation (gifts and commitments)

221 new Cortner Society members during the Forever Yours campaign

185 Johnston student projects funded during the Forever Yours campaign

$274.6 million: Fair market value of the University’s endowment at the end of the Forever Yours campaign

Explore the Spring 2022 issue of Och Tamale magazine.