Dream Act Service Incentive Grant

This opportunity is available to California Dream Act Application students who are awarded a Cal Grant and meet the financial eligibility criteria (income and assets) for the Cal Grant B program. Through this opportunity, you may be eligible to earn an additional $4,500 in grant funding during the 2022-23 academic year.

Student Eligibility

  • Apply for DSIG with CSAC annually
  • Complete Dream Act application annually to establish eligibility for Cal Grant
  • Meet the income and asset requirements for the Cal Grant B program and be awarded a Cal Grant
  • Have sufficient unmet financial need
  • Enroll at least half-time
  • Complete community or volunteer service hours in that academic year with qualifying institution


  1. Complete DSIG Application
    a. Section 1 – to be completed by student
    b. Section 2 – to be completed by Student Financial Services (sfs@redlands.edu or 909.748.8047)
    c. Section 3 – to be completed by service organization (Community Service Learning (Tony Mueller E: tony_mueller@redlands.edu P: 909.748. 8288) is available as a helpful resource to coordinate service opportunities and hours)
    d. Section 4 – to be completed and signed by student

2. CSAC will send an email confirming you are registered
3. Record your service hours
4. Request payment from CSAC
5. SFS will be notified by CSAC that you are approved for payment and a check will be mailed to SFS; SFS will notify you when the check is received and available


DSIG Website


DSIG Application

Income and Asset Ceiling for Cal Grant B