Valerie Rountree

Assistant Professor
Environmental Studies

Photo of Valerie Rountree

Areas of Expertise

  • Renewable energy 
  • Climate change mitigation policies and practices 
  • Environmental policy- and decision-making 
  • Stakeholder engagement practices 
  • Sustainability 
  • Natural resources 
  • Climate adaptation 



Ph.D. Natural Resource Studies, University of Arizona, 2018

M.S. Natural Resource Studies, University of Arizona, 2014

B.S. Biology, University of Puget Sound, 2006

For the Media

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Lewis Hall
P: 909.748.8760


Raised in the from the Pacific Northwest, I’ve lived in the Southwest since 2010 – first in Arizona and now Southern California. Although I miss the rain terribly, I have grown to appreciate and love the desert – enough to call it home. I have long been interested in understanding complex human-environment relations and I’ve grown increasingly passionate about addressing climate change as demonstrated through my teaching, research, and socio-political activism.

My teaching and research broadly relate to environment-society relationships – that is, how our actions as individuals and societies impact the environment and how the environment impacts us in turn. More specifically, my work centers on issues related to climate change and energy, especially those dealing with climate change mitigation, policy- and decision-making, stakeholder participation, and renewable energy resources.

Most recently, I have worked with undergraduate environmental and policy students at Redlands on research projects related to: Just energy transitions; California renewable energy policy design and implementation; California’s new mandate for residential compost programs; and estimating the CO2 equivalent emissions from turfgrass maintenance in Southern California.

Courses Offered

EVST 100: Introduction to Environmental Studies

EVST 210: Energy and the Environment

EVST 241: Environment and Society

EVST 413: Responses to Climate Change

EVST 475: Senior Capstone


My recent and current research projects have relied heavily on undergraduate student research assistants who have contributed to all steps of the research process, including: research design, literature reviews, data collection and analysis, and paper writing. 

Recent conference presentations include:

Rountree, V., Sheble, A., Waldo, A. & O'Neal, C. (2021). "An Estimate of CO2 Emissions from Turfgrass Maintenance in Redlands, CA." Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) Annual Conference, online. June 28-July 1, 2021. (Poster) 

Rountree, V., Robinson, A., Olive-Larson, S. & Nishikawa, H. (2021). "Evaluating the implementation of SB 1383: California's Organic Waste Diversion Policy A research plan for assessing progress and barriers to compliance." Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) Annual Conference, online. June 28-July 1, 2021. (Poster)  

Rountree, V., Roach, C., Christopher, V., Tarr, C., & Daniel, I. (2021). "Taking stock of Just” energy transitions: A critical review of empirical research and an agenda for evaluating the “justness” of California’s energy transition." Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) Annual Conference, online. June 28-July 1, 2021. 


Assistant Professor, University of Redlands, 2018 – Present

Instructor of Record, University of Arizona, 2012-2018


Rountree, V., Baldwin, E., & Hanlon, J. (2021). A review of stakeholder participation studies in renewable electricity and water: does the resource context matter?. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 1-16. 

Rountree, V. (2019). Nevada’s Experience with the Renewable Portfolio Standard. Energy Policy, 129, 279-291.

Rountree, V., & Baldwin, E. (2018). State-Level Renewable Energy Policy Implementation: How and Why Do Stakeholders Participate? Frontiers in Communication3, 6.

Baldwin, E., Rountree, V., & Jock, J. (2018). Distributed resources and distributed governance: Stakeholder participation in demand side management governance. Energy Research & Social Science39, 37-45.

Guido, Z., Finan, T., Rhiney, K., Madajewicz, M., Rountree, V., Johnson, E., McCook, G. (2017). The Stresses and Dynamics of Smallholder Coffee Systems in Jamaica's Blue Mountains: A Case for the Potential Role of Climate Services. Climatic Change, 1-14.

Gerlak, A. K., Guido, Z., Vaughan, C., Rountree, V., Greene, C., Liverman, D., ... & Jacobs, K. L. (2017). Building a framework for process-oriented evaluation of Regional Climate Outlook Forums. Weather, Climate, and Society

Guido, Z., Rountree, V., Greene, C., Gerlak, A. (2016). “Connecting Climate Information Producers and Users: Boundary Organizations, Knowledge Networks, and Information Brokers at Caribbean Climate Outlook Forums.” Weather, Climate and Society

Awards, Honors, Grants

Faculty Research Grant, University of Redlands, 2021

Hall Network Seed Grant, University of Redlands, 2019

Marshall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, University of Arizona, 2018

Dissertation Improvement Grant, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona, 2016

Carson Scholarship, Institute of the Environment, University of Arizona, 2016

American Meteorological Society (AMS) Summer Policy Colloquium Fellowship, Funding provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF), 2015

Climate and Society Graduate Student Fellowship, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), University of Arizona, 2015


Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) (


Secretary and Board Member, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), 2021-present

General Education Committee Member, University of Redlands, 2021-present

Public Policy Advisory Committee Member, University of Redlands, 2021-present

Membership and Outreach Committee Member, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2019-present

Conference Program Chair, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), 2017-present

Reviewer for Climate and DevelopmentEnergy Research and Social Science, Energy Policy, and Energies, 2017-present

School of Continuing Studies Curriculum Committee Member, University of Redlands, 2019-2020

American Meteorological Society Board on Global Strategies Student Board Member (AMS BGS), 2014-2016

Chair, University of Arizona Green Fund Committee, 2014-2015

Chair, Natural Resources Graduate Student Organization Invited Speaker Committee, 2015

President’s Advisory Council on the Environment and Sustainability, 2014-2015

Vice Chair, University of Arizona Green Fund Committee, 2013-2014