Bryce Ryan

Associate Professor & Dir Science Center

Bryce Ryan


Ph.D. Zoology – North Carolina State University, 2005


Biology, Hedco Hall
P: 909.748.8518
P: 909-748-8920

Academic Focus

I'm broadly interested in physiology and behavior with specific focuses on endocrinology, neurobiology and reproduction.

Research and Background Highlights

I am interested in research aimed at improving human health.

My current research projects focus on using mouse behavior as a model for human health. Using this approach, I am currently focused on validating a mouse model of autistic-like behavior.

I am also collaborating with Loma Linda University Medical Center to study the effects of prenatal masculinization on human development.  


Courses Taught

BIOL 110 Human Biology for non-majors

BIOL 131 Principles of Biology

BIOL 326 Neuroscience

BIOL 344 Human Physiology

Research Methods


Previous Teaching Experience

1996 – 1999: Science Instructor, Gaston Day School

Previous Research Experience

1999 – 2005: Predoctoral Research Assistant, North Carolina State University

2005 – 2006: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Joint Appointment in the Reproductive Toxicology Division, EB, NHEERL, United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Curriculum in Toxicology, University of North Carolina

2006 – 2008: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center, University of North Carolina


* denotes University of Redlands undergraduate coauthor

JM Steinbach*, ET Garza*, BC Ryan (2016).  Novel object exploration as a potential assay for higher order repetitive behaviors in mice.  Journal of Visualized Experiments.  114:e54324.

MG Blick*, BH Puchalski*, VJ Bolanos*, KM Wolfe*, MC Green*, BC Ryan (2015). Novel object exploration in the C58/J mouse model of autistic-like behavior. Behavioural Brain Research.  282:54-60.

BC Ryan, AK Hotchkiss, KM Crofton, LE Gray (2010).  In utero and lactational exposure to bisphenol A, in contrast to ethinyl estradiol, does not alter sexually dimorphic behavior, puberty, fertility and anatomy of female LE rats.  Toxicological Sciences. 114:133-148.

BC Ryan, NB Young, JN Crawley, JW Bodfish, SS Moy (2010).  Social deficits, stereotypies, and early emergence of repetitive behavior in the C58/J inbred mouse strain.  Behavioural Brain Research.  208:178-188. 

BC Ryan, NB Young, SS Moy, JN Crawley (2008).  Olfactory cues are sufficient to elicit social approach behaviors but not social transmission of food preference in C57BL/6J mice.  Behavioural Brain Research.  193:235-242.    

KL Howdeshell, J Furr, CR Lambright, VS Wilson, BC Ryan, LE Gray (2007).  Gestational and lactational exposure to ethinyl estradiol, but not bisphenol A, decreases androgen-dependent reproductive organ weights and epididymal sperm abundance in the male Long Evans hooded rat.  Toxicological Sciences.  102:371-382.

CV Owens, C Lambright, K Bobseine, B Ryan, LE Gray, BK Gullett, VS Wilson (2007).  Identification of estrogenic compounds emitted from the combustion of computer printed circuit boards in electronic waste.  Environmental Science and Technology.  41:8506-8511.

CR Blystone, J Furr, CS Lambright, KL Howdeshell, BC Ryan, VS Wilson, GA LeBlanc, LE Gray (2007).  Prochloraz inhibits testosterone production at dosage below those that affect androgen-dependent organ weights or the onset of puberty in the male Sprague Dawley rat.  Toxicological Sciences.  97:65-74.

BC Ryan and JG Vandenbergh (2006).  Developmental exposure to environmental estrogens alters adult behavior in the mouse.  Hormones and Behavior. 50:85-93.

BC Ryan and JG Vandenbergh (2002).  Intrauterine position effects.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 26:665-678.

Awards, Honors, Grants

Award for Outstanding Teaching, University of Redlands, 2011-2012.

Paper of the year in the Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty Section of the Society of Toxicology, 2011.

NIMH Grant 1R21MH084132-01A1 awarded to characterize a novel mouse model of restricted, repetitive behavior, 2008.