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Housing & Dietary Accommodations

If you need special help with housing or food because of a disability, please follow each of the steps below.

Step 1:  Fill out a form called the Accommodations Request Packet and email it to Academic Success and Accessibility at  Be sure to send your request at least one week before the meeting. They look at all requests every month, usually on the last Friday of the month.

Step 2:  Write a personal statement as part of the request packet. You can find more info about this in step 4 of the packet. There's also a guide to help you write it.


Dietary Accommodations

If you need special food because of your health, you also need to talk to Harvest Table, our foodservice group. You can contact Andrew Coyle at For more information about food allergies, you can visit


Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)

If you need an emotional support animal (ESA) for your housing, you need to follow some rules. ESAs help people feel better because of a disability. They're not like service animals that are trained to do specific tasks. You have to get a recommendation from a professional to have an ESA in your University housing. There are some animals that aren't allowed, like dangerous or illegal ones. Your ESA also needs to be trained and can't be too young. Here's what you need to do:



  • December 1st for Spring semester
  • August 10th for Fall semester


What to Send:

  1. Form filled out by your mental health provider.
  2. Personal statement (see ESA Policy, pg. 2); also see ESA Process Checklist (#3) for information to include in the personal statement.
  3. Proof of vaccinations.
  4. Proof of spaying/neutering.
  5. Photo of animal.
  6. If you have a roommate, you need their written approval to live with an ESA.

After you send everything to and it's approved, you'll meet with them in person to finish up.


Committee Members:

  • Director of Academic Success and Accessibility
  • Dean of Student Affairs
  • Director, Counseling Center
  • Faculty Member