Hello Bulldogs!
With only a week away, the Residence Life and Housing team cannot wait to welcome you to our residential communities. Please review the information below to learn more about how to sign up for a key pick up appointment for move in day.
Early Arrivals:
Some students will move in earlier than the published arrival dates as they are members of an Early Arrival Group. These students will receive additional information about key pick up and move-in from their group's representative. If you are an Early Arrival, no further action is needed.
Key Pick Up Appointment:
Residential students will move-in for New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 29th and will pick up their keys by appointment at the University Hall.
To sign up for an appointment you will need to do the following:
If you are unable to access the Key Pickup Appointment Scheduler, you may have an outstanding balance on your student account. Once you have received clearance from Student Financial Services, which may take up to 48 business hours after submission to clear, the scheduler will appear on your MyRedlands Housing Portal.
On move in day, students with outstanding items on their New Student Checklist will not receive keys to their housing assignments until the items are settled with the applicable offices. Representatives from different departments will be available on August 29th in University Hall to help students complete the outstanding items on the New Student Checklist.
Please visit our website to see what has been shared by Residence Life and Housing.
Residence Life & Housing | University of Redlands
rlh@redlands.edu | 909.748.8053