50th Renewal Panels

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Panels on Practice

From Room to Bloom: An Interdisciplinary Arts Panel

Please join a group of Johnston writers, artists, musicians, and filmmakers for a panel discussion on the transition creative work makes from the quiet incubator of the ROOM to the wider world, where it can BLOOM.

Panelists: Hanna Bratton (‘14), Gayle Brandeis (‘90), Taylor Miller (’04), and Eric Wong (’10)


Johnstonians in Education

This panel will be a roundtable discussion co-facilitated by Kathy Ogren and Kim Middleton (’96) and consider a variety of ways to answer at questions like: How have the pedagogical tenants of Johnston––mentorship, Johnston ethos––been reflected in your teaching practice?

Panelists: Gary Hawkins (’91), Raymond Obstfeld (’72), Patti Karlin-Neumann (’76), Eli Kramer (’13), James Boobar (’02), Carlos Arboleda ('97), Jane Creighton ('73), Kendrick Brown (current Dean of the College)

Activism on Campus and Beyond

It should come as no surprise that the Johnston Center, from the circumstances surrounding its inception to today, has consistently stood in the center of activist discourse on the University of Redlands campus. In this panel, we’ll look to interrogate this history through the probing of legacy, emotional labor, professional opportunity, the center of whiteness, wins and losses, and also look to how activism has continued to be part of our lives after graduating.

Panelists: Jon Garcia (’16), Jewel Patterson (’16), Lana Ludovico (’17), Denise Davis (’06), Kevin Whelan (’93), Hetal Dalal (’93)


Keynote Panel: Johnston at 50: From Surviving to Thriving

This panel will be moderated by Kim Middleton (’96) and focus on the question: How have you meaningfully brought the Johnston ethos into other institutional contexts? We all know the long history of Johnston itself changing the institution of the University of Redlands. This is chance to hear whether the “Johnston effect” translates across a variety of spaces and times.

Panelists: Sarah Sapperstein (‘05), Noah Wardrip-Fruin (’94), Jon Grant (’04), Carlos Arboleda ('97)