
Nomination and election of the president shall take place during the latter part of the spring semester. The remaining positions will be elected at the first official meeting in September of the following academic year. 

All Executive Board members shall be members in good standing of junior or senior status during their term of office, and shall be elected by a majority vote of the members. Their respective titles are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and New Member Chair(s). In addition, the MGSA advisor shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.

The officers and committee members will typically hold their positions for one academic year. If a member graduates early and plans to study abroad, that member will elect a replacement for their position for the remainder of the academic year. 

A full description of the MGSA officers is listed in the group's constitution. A summary of duties is as follows: 


  • Must be a senior within MGSA
  • In cooperation with the advisor, the President is responsible for the general administration and functioning of MGSA
  • Oversees all executive board positions.
  • Attends monthly meetings, works with the advisor to set each meeting’s agenda, and facilitates meetings
  • Facilitates communication between committees 
  • Works with the advisor and the executive board to set goals and objectives for the organization.
  • Serves a special one-year term on the Alumni Association Board of Directors
  • Chair of the Traditions Committee

Vice President

  • Serves in the absence of the President
  • Conducts an annual review of the Constitution and MGSA Manual, submitting proposed changes first to the executive board, then to the full organization for approval
  • Chair of the Social Media committee
    • Responsible for promoting awareness of MGSA by way of marketing, social media, and working with other organizations
    • Manages any coordination pages (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Presence) to communicate with MGSA members
    • Oversees the social media committee from which additional help in brainstorming and implementing campaigns may be obtained


  • Takes and post the minutes from each general meeting
  • Takes attendance at every meeting and will bring attendance and participation concerns to the attention of the advisor
  • Responsible for issuing, outlining, and enforcing any action to be taken concerning lack of participation and/or attendance by a member
  • Announces upcoming events and serves as the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee. They will also ensure that all events and programs are entered into Presence. 

New Member Chair(s)

  • Works closely with the MGSA Advisor to run a comprehensive and beneficial training and induction for all new members in the coming year
  • Helps design and run the application and interview process 


Traditions: This committee is responsible for events that are, or are in the process of becoming, traditions, such as the Student “Tailgate”, Maroon Day, and the Senior Toast. The committee may also work to develop new traditions, revive former traditions, and maintain current traditions. 

Social Media: This committee is responsible for ensuring the student body is aware of the organization and what it does, and to work on social media campaigns and general marketing related to MGSA events and programs. 

Ad Hoc: This committee will work closely with the advisor and the Office of Alumni & Community Relations regarding possible new events and programs, or consideration of student/alumni processes. Projects may range from short one-time events, to year-long projects in order to implement a new idea.  

*Committee participation by every member is mandatory.


Meetings and Attendance

  • Mandatory monthly meetings of MGSA shall be conducted
  • The place, date and time of each meeting shall be determined by a consensus of the Executive Board after consulting the general members
  • Members may be excused from meetings only if
    • 1) there is a conflict with class or other University-related commitment, such as scheduled athletic events, and
    • 2) they contact the Secretary at least one day in advance.

Special meetings can be called at the discretion of the President.

Good standing and participation in MGSA is achieved by adhering to the following:
• Attending a minimum of 6 of 8 monthly meetings during the year (no meeting in December)
• Signing-up for, and participating in, at least four events or programs per Semester; or at a minimum, participation in seven events or programs per year (primarily pertains to students who will be abroad one semester, but may apply to other students as well given certain circumstances) 

The following events are required for all members unless excused by the advisor:
• Homecoming weekend
• Alumni Reunion events
• All scheduled meetings for the year
• Participation in Maroon Day and/or the Student Tailgate
• Induction/Orientation Dinner