James Krueger


Photo of James Krueger


Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

M.A. Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

B.A. Philosophy, Whittier College


Hall of Letters
P: 909.748.8654
E: james_krueger@redlands.edu

Areas of Expertise

  • Philosophy of Medicine

  • Medical Ethics

  • Philosophy of Science

  • Philosophy of Biology

Prof. Krueger is the current director of the Health, Medicine, and Society Program.


Courses Taught

PHIL 215 Bioethics: Doctors and Patients

PHIL 216 Bioethics: Technology and Justice

PHIL 231 Philosophy, Science, and Medicine

PHIL 232 Biology, Health, and Disease

HMS 100 Health, Medicine, and Society

HMS 150 Health and Medicine in Southern Africa


American Philosophical Association

Philosophy of Science Association

Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable

International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology